Awakening the Third Eye
or when you are floating and ‘spaced out’, your aura is very open. We have seen earlier that the fight or flight reaction closes ...
with the vibration in the eye. Rubbing the hands awakens a very ‘physical’ and grounded vibration in the eye, which is exactly w ...
On the other hand, when you awaken a strong physical vibration in the eye, when you can feel the vibration flowing in your hands ...
you end up being naturally protected from all sorts of negative energies which the man in the street unconsciously catches all t ...
Another essential function of this centre is physical grounding. The name of the point Conception 5 is shi men, meaning the ‘gat ...
Slightly contract the abdominal muscles and massage the point one inch below the navel, by rotating the end of the middle finger ...
below the navel. There is the object, there is the fact of seeing, and there is the vibration in the eye and below the navel. Wh ...
moves apart from your abdomen. Then proceed in the following way: maintain a purely abdominal breathing, without any movement of ...
Chapter 19 – Baby Work 19.1 The aura of a pregnant woman The aura of a pregnant woman is one of the easiest to see, for it is pa ...
the light of the angels that have assisted in the process of birth. The strong participation of the hierarchy of the angels in a ...
response: the baby stops screaming immediately and tells you what's wrong, directly from eye to eye. Even if the yelling does no ...
On the other hand, in young children this dissociation is quick and intense. Therefore if you apply your vision to a baby fallin ...
If babies are so good at astral travelling, it is because their upper complex (astral body + Ego) is endowed with a fantastic en ...
incarnation that is a problem, so much so that it is unable to stay in its body very long. It constantly falls asleep because it ...
Babies will be delighted if you can travel with them. To them, it is great fun and also very reassuring to feel a continuity bet ...
What you help the child develop in the first year will remain like a treasure waiting for him or her. All the psychic work achie ...
Preparing the field for these fabulous babies is one of the main reasons the Clairvision School was founded. Chapter 19 – Baby W ...
Chapter 20 – Protection: Sealing the Aura (2) 20.1 Where are you speaking from? Practice 20.1 consists in producing sounds from ...
Place your hand as a reflector, 2 or 3 inches in front of your throat. This time try to reach a sound that resonates purely in t ...
Phase 4 Repeat the same sentence, making it vibrate between the eyebrows. Repeat this four-phase sequence several times. Tips T ...
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