Basic Music Theory: How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music
PA RT T W O Clef Notes In This Section You Will Learn: Clefs in General Treble Clef Bass Clef Rhythm Clef ...
Basic Music Theory SolUt Press ...
Basic Music Theory CHAPTER CHAPTER 5 GOING OVER THE CLEF In This Chapter What is a Clef? What a Clef does Types of Clefs Somet ...
6: Going Over the Clef What’s a Clef? A clef is a symbol used at the beginning of a musical staff to tell the reader which lette ...
Basic Music Theory For now, just remember a clef points to and names one line of the staff. I’ll show you all the gory details w ...
6: Going Over the Clef Treble Clef This is the most common clef. Remember up above when I said each clef has something about it ...
Basic Music Theory Example 6.4 The Bass Clef. The bass clef indicates the fourth line. Bass clef is used for instruments with a ...
6: Going Over the Clef Some instruments that use rhythm clef are: drum set, small percussion (tambourine, maracas, claves, trian ...
Basic Music Theory Which instruments use the rhythm clef? Which line does the rhythm clef name? On any scrap of paper, draw fiv ...
6: Going Over the Clef Practical Use On your copied staff paper draw a line of treble clefs, a line of bass clefs and a line of ...
Basic Music Theory CHAPTER CHAPTER 6 NO TROUBLE WITH TREBLE In This Chapter The Treble Clef The Letter G Notes on the Treble Cl ...
7: No Trouble with Treble Golly G Okay, I’m sure you’re dying of suspense. The treble clef used to be the letter G. You can kind ...
Basic Music Theory A What Device? Mnemonic (the first m is silent) came from a Greek word meaning to remember. A mnemonic device ...
7: No Trouble with Treble Mnemonics for Treble Clef Spaces Example 7.4 The treble clef spaces. Take a couple minutes to come up ...
Basic Music Theory What is a mnemonic device? What letter name does the treble clef give to the 2nd line? On a piece of blank s ...
7: No Trouble with Treble ...
Basic Music Theory CHAPTER CHAPTER 7 THE BASS OF THE CLEF In This Chapter The Bass Clef The Letter F Names of Bass Clef Lines a ...
8: The Bass of the Clef This Clef is Not a Fish! Remember clefs used to be letters way back when? Well, bass clef is no exceptio ...
Basic Music Theory Okay, you know the drill. Now that you know the name of that one line, you can apply the musical alphabet to ...
8: The Bass of the Clef Mnemonics for Bass Clef Spaces Example 8.5 The bass clef space names. *Created by Erin Downey of Big Lak ...
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