Game Engine Architecture
479 through the occluding object. The shadowed side of the object is then given an artifi cial diff use lighting term whose inte ...
480 10. The Rendering Engine techniques are demonstrated in a DirectX sample program available in the DirectX SDK—see htt p://ms ...
481 ferent numbers of lights, diff erent types of lights, diff erent numbers of skin- ning weights, etc. Deferred rendering is a ...
482 10. The Rendering Engine An in-depth coverage of these engine systems is beyond our scope. In the following sections, we’ll ...
483 when they have lived for a user-defi ned length of time, or as decided by some other user-specifi ed criteria. Particle eff ...
484 10. The Rendering Engine laid. The result is the appearance of a bullet hole, scratch or other kind of sur- face modifi cati ...
485 Terrain The goal of a terrain system is to model the surface of the earth and provide a canvas of sorts upon which ...
486 10. The Rendering Engine Of course, height fi eld terrain is just one of many options for modeling the surface of the Earth ...
487 idea to use normalized screen coordinates. Normalized coordinates range from zero to one along one of the two axes (but not ...
488 10. The Rendering Engine A good text/font system must account for the diff erences in character sets and reading directions ...
489 tion value is usually γcorr = 1/2.2 = 0.455. These gamma encoding and decoding curves are shown in Figure 10.62. Gamma encod ...
490 10. The Rendering Engine z Depth of fi eld blur. This blur eff ect can be produced by using the contents of the depth buff e ...
491 11 Animation Systems T he majority of modern 3D games revolve around characters —oft en human or humanoid, sometimes animal ...
492 11. Animation Systems came feasible in real time. Today, game designers have a host of powerful animation methods at their d ...
11.1. Types of Character Animation 493 more than camera-facing quads, each of which displayed a sequence of texture bitmaps (kno ...
494 11. Animation Systems robots and machinery that really is constructed of rigid parts, but it breaks down under scrutiny when ...
495 11.1.4. Skinned Animation As the capabilities of game hardware improved further, an animation tech- nology known as skinned ...
496 11. Animation Systems In Figure 11.4, we see Crank the Weasel, a game character designed by Eric Browning for Midway Home En ...
497 but the term bone is actually a misnomer. Technically speaking, the joints are the objects that are directly manipulated by ...
498 11. Animation Systems RightIndexFinger RightMiddleFinger RightRingFinger RightPinkyFinger LeftShoulder LeftElbow LeftHand Le ...
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