Game Engine Architecture
459 FragmentOut pshaderMain(float2 uv : TEXCOORD0, uniform sampler2D texture) { FragmentOut out; out.color = tex2D(texture, uv); ...
460 10. The Rendering Engine more-detailed introduction to Cg shader programming, refer to the Cg tu- torial available on NVIDIA ...
461 each frustum plane, we move the plane inward a distance equal to the radius of the sphere, then we determine on which side o ...
462 10. The Rendering Engine To render a scene with portals, we start by rendering the region that con- tains the camera. Then, ...
463 occluding object and extend planes outward from the camera’s focal point through each of these edges. We test more-distant o ...
464 10. The Rendering Engine down to iterating through the list of visible mesh instances, iterating over each submesh-material ...
465 we can install material A’s sett ings, render all geometry associated with mate- rial A, and then move on to material B. Unf ...
466 10. The Rendering Engine objects explicitly is usually incredibly wasteful. Instead, we would like to de- vise a data struct ...
467 leaves of the tree, and we usually aim to achieve a roughly uniform number of primitives within each leaf region. This can b ...
468 10. The Rendering Engine the front side or the back side of the plane. Any triangles that intersect the dividing plane are t ...
469 ordering. Because this algorithm traverses all of the triangles in the scene, the order of the traversal is independent of t ...
470 10. The Rendering Engine techniques in use within the game industry today. Our goal here is to provide you with an awareness ...
471 Height maps are oft en used for parallax mapping and relief mapping —two techniques that can make a planar surface appear to ...
472 10. The Rendering Engine lights will have at each texel. This kind of texture is called a specular power map. An example of ...
473 it about the surface normal at P. The refl ected ray is followed until it intersects the sphere or cube of the environment m ...
474 10. The Rendering Engine than it is to changes in chromaticity, the L channel is stored in 16 bits while U and V are given o ...
475 A shadow volume is used to generate a shadow by making use of a special full-screen buff er known as the stencil buff er. Th ...
476 10. The Rendering Engine is generated by rendering the scene from the point of view of the light source and saving off the c ...
477 Ambient Occlusion Ambient occlusion is a technique for modeling contact shadows —the soft shad- ows that arise whe ...
478 10. The Rendering Engine produce general refl ections of the surrounding environment on the surfaces of shiny objects. Direc ...
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