Coaching, Mentoring and Managing: A Coach Guidebook
206 consequences for absenteeism should be reviewed. If absenteeism is widespread, consequences apparently aren’t strong enough. ...
6 about shorter lunch hours. In time, such unrest almost always diminishes and even disappears. Confronting the unrest before it ...
with the company’s owner before meeting with Becky, the team member Rob suspected. Becky was well-liked by every employee and wa ...
6 Within three weeks, the service department was back up to speed. The “Houdini Team” (as their peers affectionately named them) ...
Chances are that Linda left this unfortunate encounter a much wiser leader. It’s never a good idea to withhold information criti ...
6 Assess what cooperation and support the team will need. Follow the progress of the work to reward and reinforce results. When ...
through 6, and it might take a couple of meetings, with a time interval for the team to collect their thoughts. Important in thi ...
6 A Checklist for Responding to Team Troubles .................................................. Before you act on any apparent ...
What behaviors are at issue? As learned in Chapter 5, always focus on behavior, not attitudes. Identify the specific action (or ...
6 How does the employee problem affect the long-range team goal? Asking yourself this question will help you put in perspective ...
216 Surprisingly often, problem behavior is also ignorant behavior. When team members fully understand the ramifications of beha ...
6 “Look Before You Leap” Checklist ................................................................... Use this checklist to ans ...
Focus the Team With Shared Priorities .............................................................. Great coaches guide their t ...
6 decisions, but help the team avoid these conflicts by working with your peers. Share the reason for changes — beat the “grape ...
b) there’s no such thing as a “bad” idea — at this phase. Later, after all ideas have been listed, the group can select the idea ...
6 Take a team to lunch. This event could mark the end of a successful project or just a fun and unexpected surprise. Give the ...
Give a creature comfort. Contribute a fan for the office, a radio to use. A new mug. Give a new mug with a humorous or serious ...
6 Exercise .............................................................................................................. In you ...
Right Thinking About Team Purpose ................................................................ In any leadership setting ... ...
6 How you do this is through sharing a vision, involving the team, rewarding achievement. What keeps managers from becoming real ...
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