Fred kissed Macarena. The three words of this sentence exist in the lexicon, along with their asso- ciated features. For examp ...
190 FIG. 5.1. The Minimalist Program Analysis ofFred kissed Macarena. ...
A Critique of the Minimalist Program A full critique of the minimalist program would be lengthy, owing to the com- plexity of th ...
cognitive operations necessarily is metaphorical; it does not convey a realistic account of actual mental activities, and given ...
Hernandez, Martinez, & Kohnert, 2000; Illes et al., 1999; Kim, Relkin, Lee, & Hirsch, 1997; Paradis, 1999; Perani et al. ...
194 CHAPTER 5 Acquisition and Innateness When discussing the MP’s model of language acquisition, we saw that our un- derstanding ...
NOAM CHOMSKY AND GRAMMAR 195 tion from other mental faculties, therefore, is a bit of a mystery. Language is, as far as we know, ...
APPLYING KEY IDEAS Quietly observe adults interacting with infants and toddlers in two or three dif- ferent contexts. Malls and ...
6 Cognitive Grammar What Is Cognitive Grammar? The previous chapter offered an overview of transformational generative gram- mar ...
have little connection to how the brain actually works. On this account, various scholars do not consider Chomskian grammar to b ...
tant part of the social, cultural, biological, and psychological dimensions of hu- man existence. Language processing is recogni ...
lence and ambiguity regarding meaning. InSyntactic Structures,he noted that transformational grammar “was completely formal and ...
COGNITIVE GRAMMAR 201 The situation becomes more complex as soon as we move from individual words to entire expressions. We can ...
202 CHAPTER 6 Sentences 1 and 2 are grammatically identical, consisting of a noun phrase, a linking verb, and a prepositional ph ...
COGNITIVE GRAMMAR 203 and a sense of right and wrong strongly suggests innateness to some degree. Without slighting the growing ...
204 CHAPTER 6 Construing Meaning The following hypothetical scenario illustrates a more difficult problem for formalist grammars ...
culture specific. As Woody Allen (1982) noted in the movieStardust Memo- ries,he was lucky to have been born in a society that p ...
do not share common frames associated with writing assignments. Teachers have an understanding of each assignment that leads the ...
formalist approaches. Let’s examine the process of acquisition and the two dominant models more closely. The Induction Model The ...
however, have not supported this suggestion (Bohannon & Stanowicz, 1988; Bowerman, 1982; Demetras, Post, & Snow, 1986; H ...
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