Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing by Videbeck
skills. The nurse must be careful to observe the client’sbehavior throughout the grief process and never assume that a client is ...
kept former friends away. In fact, it was in just this way that she could accept the caring of some friends and release the impo ...
coping with reality. The nurse used communication skills to encourage Ms. Morrison to examine her ex- perience and behavior as p ...
Words are not always necessary; a light touch on the elbow, shoulder, or hand or just being there indicates caring. Respect the ...
Types of losses can be identified as unfulfilled or unmet human needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs is a useful model by w ...
258 Unit 3 CURRENTSOCIAL ANDEMOTIONALCONCERNS SAMPLE CARE PLAN GRIEF Nursing Diagnosis ➤Grieving A normal response in the human ...
12 GRIEF ANDLOSS 259 continued on page 260 continued from page 258 Critical Component of Support—questions to explore with the c ...
260 Unit 3 CURRENTSOCIAL ANDEMOTIONALCONCERNS continued from page 259 Discussing the lost object or person can help the client t ...
12 GRIEF ANDLOSS 261 continued from page 260 Sharing grief and experiences with others can help the client to identify and expre ...
Skott, C. (2001). Caring narratives and the strategy of presence: Narrative communication in nursing prac- tice and research. Nu ...
263 Chapter Study Guide ➤ MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Select the best answer for each of the following questions. Which of the fo ...
➤ FILL-IN-THE-BLANK QUESTIONS Identify the dimension of grieving for each of the following client expressions or behaviors: “I h ...
265 Emotional response during phase of numbing in the grieving process For each of the following client statements, write a res ...
266 “There’s nowhere for me to turn.” “Get out of here! Leave me alone! I don’t need your help.” ...
Unit 4 ➤ Nursing Practice for Cognitive Disorders ...
268 13 Learning Objectives After reading this chapter, the student should be able to 1.Describe anxiety as a response to stress. ...
13 ANXIETY ANDANXIETYDISORDERS 269 Anxietyis a vague feeling of dread or apprehen- sion; it is a response to external or interna ...
270 Unit 4 NURSINGPRACTICE FORPSYCHIATRICDISORDERS sense of walking in another person’s shoes for a mo- ment in time (Sullivan, ...
13 ANXIETY ANDANXIETYDISORDERS 271 and in emergency departments, intensive care units, offices, and clinics. First and foremost, ...
272 Unit 4 NURSINGPRACTICE FORPSYCHIATRICDISORDERS nurse’s goal must be to lower the person’s anxiety level to moderate or mild ...
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