MLARTC_FM.part 1.qxp
Africa and African America Although many of the societies of Africa developed in close proximity to Egyptian civilization, with ...
was of greater significance as magical than as practical protection. In fact, magical powers were attributed to most West Africa ...
a range of up to 80 meters. The wounds inflicted at such a long range were not likely to be deadly. At distances of 20 to 30 met ...
queen Nzinga Mbande, for example, trained in their combat techniques through dance accompanied by traditional percussion instrum ...
the competitors. In this respect, these matches were a point of pride for the villages themselves. The warriors were representat ...
the object was to pin the opponent. This meant forcing the opponent’s shoulders to touch the ground, thus placing the antagonist ...
Beginning in 1415, after the Portuguese established their foothold in North Africa, Europeans introduced firearms in West Africa ...
from terminology to the berimbau,the primary musical instrument used to provide accompaniment for the jôgo(“match” or “game”). S ...
unarmed arsenal of the capoeirista. Again, there is a distinction between Angola and Regional, with the former relying more on l ...
movements guided by the tempo of the music, the combatants maneuver in ways that are reminiscent of the ginga (Portuguese; from ...
as a result of similar circumstances. There are equally strong arguments, however, that martial arts, like many other cultural t ...
Paul, Sigrid. 1987. “The Wrestling Traditions and Its Social Functions.” In Sport in Africa: Essays in Social History. Edited by ...
return strike; rather, the practitioner seeks to allow a committed attack to pass by, and then to exploit the attacker’s resulti ...
Aikidô training is usually centered on partner practice, in which stu- dents alternate practicing the roles of uke(the attacker ...
Ranking in most aikidô dôjô is based on a belt system derived from the one originated for sport jûdô. A variety of kyû ranks lea ...
Tôhei, Koichi. 1978. Ki in Daily Life.San Francisco: Japan Publications. Ueshiba, Kisshomaru, and Ueshiba Morihei. 1986. Aikido. ...
quan (dragon, tiger, leopard, snake, crane), sometimes seen as synonymous with Shaolin Boxing; the twelve animals (tiger, horse, ...
The pure animal styles of boxing exude a certain amount of individ- ual showmanship in the same way as does the Drunken Style, w ...
skills. Unlike in Western Europe, in Japan the aristocratic warrior class considered the bow a warrior’s weapon. This emphasis i ...
ical discipline. Today, kyûdô is taught as a mental, physical, and spiritual discipline under the Zen Nihon Kyûdô Renmei(All Jap ...
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