Dairy Chemistry And Biochemistry
SALTS OF MILK 263 of milk causes precipitation of colloidal phosphate and shifts the reaction of milk to the acid side, e.g. con ...
264 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Suggested reading Flynn, A. and Cashman, K. (1997) Nutritional aspects of minerals in bovin ...
6 Vitamins in milk and dairy products 6.1 Introduction Vitamins are organic chemicals required by the body in trace amounts but ...
266 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY (RNI) is the quantity of a nutrient sufficient to meet the needs of 97% of the population. ...
0 ...
268 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY may be cleavaged at its centre by the enzyme, p-carotene-1 5,15'-oxygenase (present in the ...
VITAMINS IN MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS 269 lOOg, respectively. The breed of cow also has an influence on the concen- tration of vit ...
270 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 6.7 HO 6.8 6.9 conversion requires about 28 h to convert 50% of previtamin D, to vitamin D, ...
VITAMINS IN MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS 271 6.10 cholecalciferol (25(OH)D,; 6.9) which is converted to 1,25-dihydroxy- cholecalcifer ...
272 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY of lactation. Hypervitaminosis D (excess intake of vitamin D) is character- ized by enhance ...
VITAMINS IN MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS^273 6.11 6.12 R, I I Tocotrienols R3 Vitamin E is a very effective antioxidant. It can easil ...
274 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY vegetables, wheat germ, whole-grain cereal products, liver, egg yolk, nuts and seeds. The c ...
VITAMINS IN MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS^275 0 a adults aged 25 years and over are 80 and 65 pgday-’. The Department of Health (1991) ...
276 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 6.16 H3C Thiamin pyrophosphate 00 II It OH OH CH2-CH2-O-T-O-T-OH which ...
VITAMINS IN MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS 277 in bovine milk is produced by micro-organisms in the rumen and, therefore, feed, breed o ...
278 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Riboflavin Flavin mononucleotide HHH 0 0 Ill I1 I1 HO-CH 6.20 0 Flavin adenine dinucleotide ...
VITAMINS IN MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS 279 0 Lumitlavin of riboflavin (Appendix 6A). Cheese contains 0.3-0.5 mg per OOg anc yogurt ...
280 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 6e23 The classical niacin deficiency disease is pellagra, which is characterized by symptom ...
VITAMINS IN MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS 28 1 6.3.4 Biotin Biotin (6.24) consists of an imidazole ring fused to a tetrahydrothiophene ...
282 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 6.25 Pantothenic acid as such is vital as a co-factor for numerous enzyme-catalysed reactio ...
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