Dairy Chemistry And Biochemistry
MILK PROTEINS 223 I Wheyldemineralized whey/ concentrated whey I (2.5- I Acidification, optional (PH 4.5-4.8 ...
224 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY properties and applications have been thoroughly described (e.g. Marshall, 1982; Morr, 1989 ...
MILK PROTEINS 225 Whey I Protein I0^0 pH < 4.6 pH > 4.6 Lactose Minerals Cationic exchangeresin (vistec, Spherosil S) Anio ...
pH adjustment Heat treatment Wheyklarified whey i Whey concentrate Ultrafiltration pH adjustment Demineralization I ISeparationl ...
MILK PROTEINS^227 the column, p-lg, which has a higher affinity for this resin than the other proteins, displaces a-la and BSA, ...
228 Adjust pH DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Skim milk 7.0-7.5 * -10 1 Heating conditions 90°C x 10-15 min Coo t ed to 20°C Pr ...
MILK PROTEINS 229 4.16.1 Lactoperoxidase Lactoperoxidase (LPO) is a broad-specificity peroxidase present at high concentrations ...
230 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Lf have been reviewed by Lonnerdal and Iyer (1995) and Hutchens and Lonnerdal (1996). Lacto ...
MILK PROTEINS^23 1 4.16.5 Growth factors The term ‘growth factor’ is applied to a group of potent hormone-like polypeptides whic ...
232 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY about 99% of the faecal microflora of breast-fed infants. These bacteria also represent a h ...
MILK PROTEINS 233 phosphopeptides also bind iron it has been proposed that casein phos- phopeptide-Fe complexes are useful suppl ...
234 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY macropeptide, K-CN f106-169, formed by the action of chymosin. Shorter peptides, K-CN f106- ...
MILK PROTEINS 235 Brunner, J.R., Ernstrom, C.A., Hollis, R.A. et al. (1960) Nomenclature of the proteins of bovine milk - first ...
236 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Mepham, T.B. (1987) Physiology of Lactation, Open University Press, Milton, Keynes, UK. Mep ...
MILK PROTEINS 237 Fox, P.F. (ed.) (1992) Adcanced Dairy Chemistry, Vol. 1: Milk Proteins, Elsevier Applied Science Kinsella, J.E ...
238 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY HaC-Cb I I,c00H cHz Hzc\ /'\H I HzN - C -COOH I N H H CHz I I H HzN- C- COOH Hitidine Proli ...
5 Salts of milk 5.1 Introduction The salts of milk are mainly the phosphates, citrates, chlorides, sulphates, carbonates and bic ...
240 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY each ion in a mixture is frequently complicated by interfering ions. The major elements/ion ...
SALTS OF MILK 24 1 Table 5.1 Concentration of milk salt constituents (mg litre-' milk (from various sources) Constituent Average ...
242 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 5.4 Secretion of milk salts The secretion of milk salts, which is not well understood, has ...
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