Dairy Chemistry And Biochemistry
LACTOSE 63 2.7.2 Oxidation and reduction titration Lactose is a reducing sugar, i.e. it is capable of reducing appropriate oxidi ...
64 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY CU” 0 \c/H I HO-C-H H II I C-OH H-C-OH I I I H-LOH Galactose -C-H Alkali - Galactose -C-H HO ...
LACTOSE 65 The complex with anthrone absorbs maximally at 625 nm. The concen- tration of lactose is determined from a standard c ...
66 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Jenness, R. and Patton, S. (1959) Lactose, in Principles of Dairy Chemistry, John Wiley and ...
3 Milk lipids 3.1 Introduction The milks of all mammals contain lipids but the concentration varies widely between species from ...
68 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY that cause off-flavour defects (hydrolytic and oxidative rancidity) and as solvents for comp ...
MILK LIPIDS I 35 - 30 - B f - 25- 0 % 3 s S 20- r 0 15- 2 10 - 5- 69 Percentage fat Figure 3.1 Range of fat content in the mil ...
70 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 5.0 0 L. 2 4.0 3.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Week of lactation Figure 3.2 Typical changes in the co ...
MILK LIPIDS 71 The quarters of a cow’s udder are anatomically separate and secrete milk of markedly different composition. The f ...
Table 3.3 Composition of the phospholipids in milk from various species (expressed as mol YO of total lipid phosphorus) Phosphat ...
MILK LIPIDS 73 Table 3.4 Total fat and phospholipid content of some milk products Total lipid Phospholipids Phospholipid as Prod ...
(^4) P e,w gih rnE Ob -. "I -3 Vitamin A (mg/100 g butter) Y Tocopherol (&g fat) '< -. P 2. 2 Carotene (pg/100 ml milk) ...
MILK LIPIDS 75 peroxides, e.g. H,O, or benzoyl peroxide, or masked, e.g. with chlorophyll or titanium oxide). Milk contains sign ...
Table 3.6 Principal fatty acids (wt YO of total) in milk triacylglycerols or total lipids from various species Species 4:O 6:O 8 ...
MILK LIPIDS 77 dairy products, they impart strong flavours which are undesirable in milk or butter (they cause hydrolytic rancid ...
78 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 4- 3- 2- ... I I. I-,.,.,.,. MJJASONDJFMA 13 i 12- 0 0 8 3 11- g lo- W .- LL cd 9- MJJASONDJ ...
MILK LIPIDS 79 42 - h Y d? 40- 2 M 0 !l 38- v on 8 36- $ 2 5 0 34 - MJJASONDJF Month Figure 3.6 Seasonal changes in the iodine ...
Table 3.7 The fatty acid composition of cholesteryl esters, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine in the milks of som ...
MILK LIPIDS 81 varies; some can form lactones, e.g. the 4- and 5-hydroxy acids can form y- and 8-lactones, respectively. C ‘2 I ...
82 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 0 &-OH 0 I I CH,&-S-C~A + co2 + ATP Mn2+ b CH2 t ADP + Pi Acetyl CoA Acetyl CoA C-S- ...
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