Dairy Chemistry And Biochemistry
MILK LIPIDS^143 Appendix 3B Structures of the principal polar lipids O\\ I o\\ HZC -0-P -0- I O\ H~C-0- C- R' I o\ HC-O-C-F? H2C ...
144 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY HHH I H O\\ C-N-C-R HO-C-C=C-(CH2)12CH3 I H2C-0-glucose-galactose-N-acetylgalactosamine I N ...
MILK LIPIDS 145 Cholesteryl ester ...
4 Milk proteins 4.1 Introduction Normal bovine milk contains about 3.5% protein. The concentration changes significantly during ...
MILK PROTEINS 147 10 - 0: I I I 0 10 20 30 Days postpartum Figure 4.2 Changes in the concentration of total protein (A) and of c ...
148 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 30 - h 20- .- E e, K E bz .z 10- -^8 s 0 Table 4.1 Protein content (YO) in the milks of ...
MILK PROTEINS 149 Appendix 4A. We have retained the term cystine to indicate two disulphide- linked cysteines. 4.2 Heterogeneity ...
150 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY other hand, are relatively heat labile, being completely denatured by heating at 90°C for 1 ...
Skimmilk (Kjeldahl I) II Heat at loO°C x 20 min. Make to 12% cool and acidify to pH 4.6, filter trichloroacetic acid, filter I A ...
152 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY known about them. Rowland observed that when milk was heated to 95°C for 10 min, 80% of the ...
MILK PROTEINS 153 lactose will interact with casein on heating via the Maillard browning reaction, with undesirable consequences ...
154 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY and whey proteins while lactose and soluble salts are permeable; total milk protein may be ...
MILK PROTEINS 155 4.3.10 Highly purified whey protein preparations, referred to as whey protein isolates (containing 90-95% prot ...
156 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY N X Y L &- 20 40 00 80 LOO I20 I40 160 180 2w 220 Fraction number Figure 4.5 (a) Chroma ...
v Q Absorbance 280 nrn 0? 2 R e h v (^0) ABSORBANCE 280nm 0 P d^0 ...
Table 4.2 Properties of some milk proteins (modified from Walstra and Jenness, 1984) Property Caseins Whey proteins Serum u,,-B ...
MILK PROTEINS 159 4.4. I Resolution of caseins by electrophoresis Zonal electrophoresis in starch gels containing 7 M urea was u ...
160 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY SGE or PAGE unless it is reduced, usually by 2-mercaptoethanol (HSCH,CH,OH), or alkylated. ...
MILK PROTEINS 161 1 28/29 1051 107/ 209 106 108 PP8 fast (P-CN f 1-28) .I'-(WN f 29-209) PP8 slow (HN f 29-105/7) ?CWN f 108-209 ...
162 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY p. 173, the level of glycosylation varies, resulting in 10 molecular forms of ic-casein. Ge ...
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