Dairy Chemistry And Biochemistry
LACTOSE 43 considerable commercial potential as a solution to the ‘whey problem’ and for the treatment of lactose intolerance (s ...
44 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Gal (1 4 2) Glu Gal (1 + 3) Glu Gal (1 + 6) Glu (Allolactose) I Transglgcosylation Gal (1^1 ...
LACTOSE 45 so Lo 8 60 (^2) Lo cd 0 cr 0 0 Y Y 40 8 E fi 20 4 0 0 1 2 3 4 Time (hours) Figure 2.17 Production of oligosacchari ...
H %wAH20H CHzOH 5 Ho~~o~, HO CH,OH 7 H^4 OH^4 7 HO OH 0 H -0 H OH H H L Pyranose form - Furanose form Figure 2.18 Chemical struc ...
LACTOSE^47 0 I0 2LI 30 40 SO 60 70 XO 90 1(X) 110 120 Lactulose concentration (mg 100 m1-l) Figure 2.19 Concentration of lactulo ...
48 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Figure 2.21 Effect of lactulose on the intestinal microflora of 2-month-old infants (modifie ...
Refore intake During intake After intake Figure 2.22 Increase in Ui/irlo/~ric,rc,,iir,,i spp. by administration of lactillox to ...
50 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 30 h E v E 1 L x 20 c)^5 h 0 L c)^4 4 E .o W 10 0 10 20 30 Days after treatment Figure 2.23 ...
LACTOSE 51 H CHIOH no-c-H (^0) I H-C-OH I HO-C-H I I H-C-OH n-c no-c-H CHzOH I I CHzOH PH Hme HO 0 HO OH H H H Lactitol, 4-O-~-D ...
(^52) DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY CH,OH Lactose t H-C-OH I I HO-C-H I I H-C CH20H CHzOH Lactobionic acid ~H~OH CH,OH Lactob ...
LACTOSE 53 FH20H CH2OH Lactosyl urea Figure 2.26 Structure of lactosyl urea. LACTOSE 0 II //” H3C-C- c\ OH Pyruvic acid J 2CH3CH ...
54 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Figure 2.28 Repeating unit of xanthan gum. fermentation substrates, especially sucrose in mo ...
LACTOSE 55 D-Glucopyranose HO 0 OH HR OH Glycosylaiiiine Figure 2.29 Formation of glycosylamine, the initial step in Maillard br ...
56 1 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY I CHPOH HO HpHR - L Glycosylamine C-NHR c=o I L . HvNR C I C- I- t- \ JNHR II C-OH 1-Amiii ...
I I HO-T-H \ (^1) I HO-3-H aiqiuy .lW HO-3-H ‘H3 I II I o=j O’H HO-5 HO-5 I I II 0=3H )*N=H3 )N-H~ ...
58 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 2,3-butadione L-valine 3-amino-2-hutanone methjlpropanal J-anuno-2.butnnone 3-amino-2.butano ...
8 c < E 5 El 5' L cn P, tl a f. i; &. "2 pl 3 a 5. p-Galadosidase activity (pmol glucose releasedl mg proteinllo min) 2 N ...
60 (^0 0) r( . DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 'Tolerant' 50 fi lactiise perorally 'lntolerdnt' 0 20 4 0 60 80 100 Minutes Figu ...
LACTOSE 61 milk in countries where lactose intolerance is widespread, presumably due to cultural and economic factors. However, ...
62 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY lack of Gal-1-P : uridyl transferase leads to the accumulation of Gal and Gal-1-P. The latte ...
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