Dairy Chemistry And Biochemistry
MILK LIPIDS 103 Figure 3.18 Schematic representation of a trilaminar cell membrane which is derived from the apical membrane of ...
104 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY views on the structure of the MFGM and note that complete information on the structure is s ...
MILK LIPIDS^105 coalescence I rapid creaming * flocculation I slow creaming * disruption I Before creaming After creaming Figure ...
106 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 3.9.2 A cream layer may be evident in milk within 20min after milking. The appearance of a ...
MILK LIPIDS 107 In 1889, Babcock postulated that creaming of cows’ milk resulted from an agglutination-type reaction, similar to ...
108 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY to creaming, possibly due to denaturation of the cryoglobulins and/or alteration to the fat ...
MILK LIPIDS 109 The principal lipase in bovine milk is a lipoprotein lipase (LPL; Chapter 8) which is associated predominantly w ...
110 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY population. Suggested causes of spontaneous rancidity include: 0 a second lipase located in ...
MILK LIPIDS 111 Figure 3.21 (Continued), 3.10.2 Mechanical separation of milk Gravity creaming is relatively efficient, especial ...
112 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Figure 3.22 Cutaway diagram of a modern milk separator (from Towler, 1994). Fat globules of ...
MILK LIPIDS 113 efficiency of separation increases with temperature, especially in the range 20-40°C. In the past, separation wa ...
114 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Milk from high- pressure pump n Spring-loaded valve Figure 3.23 Diagram of a milk homogeniz ...
MILK LIPIDS 115 2 4 6 Globule diameter (um) Figure 3.24 Effect of homogenization on the size (volume distribution) of fat globul ...
116 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY PLASMA 7 \ Whey protein FAT Figure 3.25 Schematic representation of the membrane of fat glo ...
MILK LIPIDS 117 However, excessively high pasteurization temperatures denature the cryog- lobulins and aggregation of the fat gl ...
118 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY may be improved by: 0 using fresh milk; 0 adding disodium phosphate or sodium citrate, whic ...
Separation Churning Churning Working H Milk Cream Small grains Large grains Butter Figure 3.26 Schematic representatio ...
120 DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY tropical regions, butter grains or cream are heated to remove all the water; the resulting ...
MILK LIPIDS 121 Table 3.13 Structural elements of conventional butter Approximate Proportion number of butter Dimensions Element ...
(^122) DAIRY CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Figure 3.28 Examples of butter churns. quality - a fine dispersion of water droplets red ...
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