Wine Chemistry and Biochemistry
6A Amino Acids and Biogenic Amines 173 wine (Moreno-Arribas and Lonvaud-Funel 1999; Moreno-Arribas et al. 2000, 2003; Constantin ...
174 M.V. Moreno-Arribas and M.C. Polo Moreno-Arribas and Lonvaud-Funel (1999). Moreno-Arribas et al. (2000) isolated and identif ...
6A Amino Acids and Biogenic Amines 175 6A.3.2.3 Other Wine Microorganisms The ability of 40 strains of acetic acid bacteria isol ...
176 M.V. Moreno-Arribas and M.C. Polo in contact with the grape skin. Prolonged maceration after alcoholic fermentation at low t ...
6A Amino Acids and Biogenic Amines 177 Ta b l e 6 A. 1 Average biogenic amine concentrations (mg/L) for different levels of vint ...
178 M.V. Moreno-Arribas and M.C. Polo It was suggested in 1971 that histamine production can be prevented by con- trolling the m ...
6A Amino Acids and Biogenic Amines 179 Therefore, in some wines it may be interesting to control the formation of amines by unde ...
180 M.V. Moreno-Arribas and M.C. Polo concentrations. Several techniques have been developed for biogenic amine deter- mination ...
6A Amino Acids and Biogenic Amines 181 reagents. CE also permits a wide variety of compounds to be analysed at low con- centrati ...
182 M.V. Moreno-Arribas and M.C. Polo However, some false negatives have been reported for lactic acid bacteria as a consequence ...
6A Amino Acids and Biogenic Amines 183 Recently,multiplePCR systems have been published that use different pairs of primers to s ...
184 M.V. Moreno-Arribas and M.C. Polo Bover-Cid, S., Izquierdo-Pulido, M., Marin ́e-Font, A. & Vidal-Carou, M.C. (2006). Bio ...
6A Amino Acids and Biogenic Amines 185 Garc ́ıa-Ruiz, A., Bartolom ́e, B. & Moreno-Arribas, M.V. (2008b). Understanding the ...
186 M.V. Moreno-Arribas and M.C. Polo Herraiz, T. & Ough, C.S. (1993). Formation of ethyl-esters of amino acids by yeasts du ...
6A Amino Acids and Biogenic Amines 187 L ́opez, R., Santamar ́ıa, P., Guti ́errez A.R. & I ̃niguez, M. (1996). Changes in am ...
188 M.V. Moreno-Arribas and M.C. Polo Moreno-Arribas, M. V., Polo, M.C., Jorganes, F. & Mu ̃noz, R. (2003). Screening of bio ...
6A Amino Acids and Biogenic Amines 189 Soufleros, E., Barrios, M.L. & Bertrand, A. (1998). Correlation between the content o ...
Chapter 6B Peptides M. Victoria Moreno-Arribas, Mar ́ıaAngeles Pozo-Bay ́ on, ́ and M. Carmen Polo Contents 6B.1 Introduction... ...
192 M.V. Moreno-Arribas et al. and bacteria (Feuillat et al. 1977; Alexandre et al. 2001; Manca de Nadra et al. 2005; Remize et ...
6B Peptides 193 Ta b l e 6 B. 1 Procedure and material used for sample preparation and techniques for separation and detection o ...
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