Wine Chemistry and Biochemistry
90 R. Peinado and J. Mauricio Acetic Acid Glycerol Ethanol L-Proline Acetic Acid Ethanol Dihydroxyacetone Acetaldehyde Piruvic a ...
3B Biologically Aged Wines 91 aroma. This compound typically reaches concentrations from 350 to 450 mg/L and occasionally as a h ...
92 R. Peinado and J. Mauricio 3B.3.5 Organic Acids Malolactic fermentation usually occurs insobretablaswine; as a result, the wi ...
3B Biologically Aged Wines 93 of organic acids (particularly lactic and succinic) increase with time (Usseglio- Tomasset 1983; M ...
94 R. Peinado and J. Mauricio Finowines are only produced by biological aging. The aerobic metabolism of flor yeasts causes chan ...
3B Biologically Aged Wines 95 Fino Oloroso Amontillado Balsamic Floral Fruity/5 Empyreumatic Spice/5 Fatty/5 Solvent Balsamic Fl ...
96 R. Peinado and J. Mauricio balance. The increased ADH II activity reflects in increased production of acetalde- hyde and its ...
3B Biologically Aged Wines 97 Aguilera, F., Peinado, R.A., Mill ́an, C., Ortega, J.M., & Mauricio, J.C. (2006). Relationship ...
98 R. Peinado and J. Mauricio Cort ́es, M.B., Moreno, J., Zea, L., Moyano, L., & Medina, M. (1999) Response of the aroma fra ...
3B Biologically Aged Wines 99 Ishigami, M., Nakagawa, Y., Hayakawa, M., & Iimura, Y. (2004).FLO11is essential for flor forma ...
100 R. Peinado and J. Mauricio M ́erida, J., Lopez-Toledano, A., Marquez, T., Millan, C., Ortega, J.M., & Medina, M. (2005). ...
3B Biologically Aged Wines 101 P ́erez, L. (1982). Consideraciones t ́ecnicas en la elaboraci ́on del Jerez. InII Jornadas unive ...
Chapter 4 Enzymes in Winemaking Maurizio Ugliano Contents 4.1 Introduction........................ ............................. ...
104 M. Ugliano and malolactic fermentations. Also, the extent of certain enzymatic reactions can determine the efficiency of spe ...
4 Enzymes in Winemaking 105 Fig. 4.1Mechanism of formation of oxidized polymers responsible for must browning significant modifi ...
106 M. Ugliano in order to improve colour stability of white wines (Muller-Sp ̈ath 1990; Artajona et al.1990; Dubourdieu and Lav ...
4 Enzymes in Winemaking 107 into its corresponding 9- and 13-hydroperoxide. The subsequent action of a hydro- xyperoxide-cleavin ...
108 M. Ugliano need further microbial stabilization against post-MLF bacterial spoilage. Sulfur dioxide is normally added to the ...
4 Enzymes in Winemaking 109 Ta b l e 4. 1Commercial pectinase preparations commonly used in winemaking Commercial pectinase prep ...
110 M. Ugliano activity responsible for increased production of volatile phenols can be also present in some pectinase preparati ...
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