Wine Chemistry and Biochemistry
28 A. Costantini et al. 2.1 Introduction Malolactic fermentation (MLF) in wine is by definition the enzymatic conversion ofL-mal ...
2 Biochemical Transformations Produced by Malolactic Fermentation 29 Strict heterofermenters (L. brevis, L. hilgardii) Facultat ...
30 A. Costantini et al. There is also a third group comprised of strict homofermenters that has never been found in wine. Severa ...
2 Biochemical Transformations Produced by Malolactic Fermentation 31 Fig. 2.2Oenococcus oenicells observed under optical microsc ...
32 A. Costantini et al. Wine is often a poor source of nutrients and these unfavourable conditions can make MLF very difficult. ...
2 Biochemical Transformations Produced by Malolactic Fermentation 33 Lonvaud-Funel and Joyeux (1993) and Strasser de Saad and Ma ...
34 A. Costantini et al. observation can be coupled with the Gram coloration test which verifies whether the cells studied are Gr ...
2 Biochemical Transformations Produced by Malolactic Fermentation 35 sequence is inserted into the databases available online, a ...
36 A. Costantini et al. Fig. 2.3RAPD-PCR fingerprinting of different wine lactic acid bacteria species (CRA-Istituto Sperimental ...
2 Biochemical Transformations Produced by Malolactic Fermentation 37 based onrpoBgene as a molecular marker, is a reproducible a ...
38 A. Costantini et al. five genes ofO. oeniand showed that the percentage of variable sites was high, indicating a considerably ...
2 Biochemical Transformations Produced by Malolactic Fermentation 39 number and diversity of organoleptic changes. The one most ...
40 A. Costantini et al. At low levels (5 mg/L), diacetyl is considered to add complexity to wine aroma since it can impart posit ...
2 Biochemical Transformations Produced by Malolactic Fermentation 41 low activity ofα-L-ramnopyranosidase inO. oeniViniflora oen ...
42 A. Costantini et al. compounds which are beneficial to wine flavour. Pozo-Bay ́on et al. (2005) investigated the changes in v ...
2 Biochemical Transformations Produced by Malolactic Fermentation 43 2.6 New Trends in the Performance of Malolactic Fermentatio ...
44 A. Costantini et al. very different, depending on the strain. Some authors (Sozzi et al. 1982) claimed that MLF may be interr ...
2 Biochemical Transformations Produced by Malolactic Fermentation 45 Because microoxygenation delays the beginning of MLF, this ...
46 A. Costantini et al. glucose or fructose, resulting in the formation of 3-hydroxy propanal (also known as 3-hydroxy propional ...
2 Biochemical Transformations Produced by Malolactic Fermentation 47 2-ethyltetrahydropyridine. These compounds are not volatile ...
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