Engineering Economic Analysis
.. Other Analysis Techniques Clean, Green, and.Far Between Designers and engineers have made great progress in developing enviro ...
-. -. .. -. -. - ... ... .. ..... 272 OTHER ANALYSISTECHNIQUES Chapter 9 examines four topics: Future Worth Analysis 9 OTHER A ...
.... Future Worth Analysis 273 SOUJTIONi Semiannual saving $35lcarton x 26 weeks ..$910 Future worth (FW)- A(FjA,,2'l2%, 90) = 9 ...
274 OTHER ANALYSISTECHNIQUES The total cost of remodeling the available factory ($1,600,000) is smaller than the total cost of a ...
Benefit-Cost Ratio Analysis 275 A finn is trying to decide which of two devices to install to reduce costs in a particular situa ...
276 OTHER ANALYSISTECHNIQUES SOLUTION Assuming a 12-year analysis period, the cash flow table is: Year o 1-5 Machine X -$200 +95 ...
r Benefit-Cost Ratio Analysis 277 benefit-co~t ratios for each machine, they would have been: MachineX B 95 - = - =2.38 C 40 Mac ...
278 OTHER ANALYSISTECHNIQUES Examine each separable increment of investment. If~BI~c < 1, the increment is not attractive. I ...
Benefit-Cost Ratio Analysis 279 Continuous Alternatives At times the feasible alternativesare a continuous function. When we con ...
-. -- .. -- ... ..-- 280 OTHERANALYSISTECHNIQUES costs and benefits. This may represent a lot of calculations to locate points ...
.r _.u.._ --. --.-.-... r Payback Period 281 Alternative A Paybackperiod is the period of time required for the profit or other ...
282 OTHER ANALYSISTECHNIQUES $3000 $3000 Cost=$3000 $2000 $2000 $1000 $1000 o 12341 5 4.4 o 1 2 3 4 5 Year Year (a) (b) FIGURE 9 ...
--- --+_. ... ......-.-. Payback Period 283 capital means that it can be reused sooner for other purposes. But one must not conf ...
284 OTHER ANALYSISTECHNIQUES Now, as a check on the payback period analysis, compute the rate of return for each alternative." A ...
Sensitivityand Breakeven Analysis 285 From the discussionand the examples,we see thatpaybackperiod can be helpful in providing a ...
286 OTHER ANALYSISTECHNIQUES Consider a project that may be constructed to full capacity now or may be constructed in two stages ...
Sensitivityand Breakeven Analysis 287 FIGURE 9-5- Breakeven chart for Example 9-9. $250,000 ...$200,000 '"o u 'Ci $150,000 -E ~ ...
288 OTHER ANALYSISTECHNIQUES --. Example 8-3 posed the following situation. Three mutually exclusivealternatives are given, each ...
Graphing with SpreadsheetsforSensitivity and Breakeven Analysis 289 FIGURE 9~6 Breakeven chart for Example 9-10. $6000 Alternati ...
292 OTHER ANALYSISTECHNIQUES "shoWlegend" off. Similarly,we can turn the x-axis gridlines on. The line style for these gridlines ...
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