Félix Guattari: Thought, Friendship, and Visionary Cartography
mechanical or bare repetitions (repetitions of the Same) would find their raison d’êtrein the more profound structures of a hidd ...
to an inequality by which it is conditioned. (Difference and Repetition, 222) The world is the proliferation of residues that de ...
The problem of interpretation is posed starting from the viewpoint of the will, according to Nietzschean language, from the view ...
understand the relationship between the signifier and the signified in a text, a gesture, an utterance. ****** Here we approach, ...
intensities played out both on the social body and on the indi- viduated body. From language to speaking in tongues [glossolalie ...
Folds ‘What always matters is folding, unfolding, refolding,’ Deleuze writes at the end of his book on Leibniz in 1988 (The Fold ...
And yet Spinoza puts it back in the game. Happiness is the singular- ity that brings its desire to fulfilment. Joyfulness is the ...
atheism and theology’ that for him was Hegelianism (Nietzsche and Philosophy, 195). Deleuze means that it is not true that the c ...
Scientific thought undertakes the search for constants in the mor- phogenesis of the world. But how can we explain the unforesee ...
73 8 Why is Anti-Oedipusthe Book of the ’68 Movement? People are used to saying, as if it were an established fact, that Anti- O ...
on to continue: the anarcho-recombinatory, molecular evolution. Gilles and Félix’s thought allows us to read in the sequence of ...
and political point of view. His relationship with the Lacanian school on the one hand and the group analytical practice on the ...
and material secretion. The molecular dimension is that in which each semiotic agent metabolizes and assembles the real and semi ...
defined the originality of these syntheses, from the standpoint of a molecular biology or of a ‘microscopic cybernetics’ without ...
only in the large aggregates that they constitute through a link draw- ing of elements, a partial dependence, and a superpositio ...
This is what Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophical creationism consists of, allowing us to see beyond the horizon of the twentiet ...
different from itself and identity is only the continuous negation of the inadequacy of existence; it is the subject that remain ...
movements and linked to the fulfilment of ’68 came to fruition as a nightmare in the century’s totalitarian regimes. The idea of ...
arrive at the recognition of Deleuze and Guattari and of Anti-Oedipusas the book that interprets the ’68 movement. Note well tha ...
nized men, in the epitome of discontinuity. It is the horror that verifies Hegel and stands him on his head. If he transfigured ...
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