Building a Better Vocabulary
morphemes, fac and totum. Fac is from the Latin word facio, which means “to do or make,” and totum is a Latin word meaning “all. ...
Lecture 2: The Spelling-Meaning Connection diamond or you’ve been in a situation where you’ve felt obliged to put on a factitiou ...
z A base word is a word that can stand on its own. In the word XQSUR¿WDEOH, for example, the base word is SUR¿W, which means “m ...
Lecture 2: The Spelling-Meaning Connection A friend who is __ can be a good person with whom to share secrets. &KLS¶VBBBBB ...
:RUGVIRU/\LQJ6ZLQGOLQJDQG&RQQLYLQJ Lecture 3 B enjamin Disraeli, the well-known British prime minister of the 19th ce ...
/HFWXUH:RUGVIRU/\LQJ6ZLQGOLQJDQG&RQQLYLQJ swindler, who would enter a town, mount a bench in the public square to ...
ż The sophists were itinerant teachers in ancient Greece who taught, among other things, rhetoric, or the art of persuasive spe ...
/HFWXUH:RUGVIRU/\LQJ6ZLQGOLQJDQG&RQQLYLQJ think of the target words sophist and specious together, as in: “That s ...
Ersatz (adjective) Describes an inferior substitute. z The story of how ersatz entered English is a wonderful example of our la ...
/HFWXUH:RUGVIRU/\LQJ6ZLQGOLQJDQG&RQQLYLQJ z In fact, the word political is by far the most common collocate with ...
+RZZRXOG\RXGHVFULEHDQDUJXPHQWWKDWLVGHFHSWLYHO\SODXVLEOH" How would you describe an argument that is immediately recogn ...
z You may also see JDGÀ\ used alongside its collocate, political, as in the phrase a political JDGÀ\. The Greek philosopher Soc ...
/HFWXUH:RUGV7KDW([SUHVV$QQR\DQFHDQG'LVJXVW z $W¿UVWJODQFHquerulous might seem to be related to query, which can be ...
z 0DZNLVK is another synonym for maudlin, but there is an important distinction in meaning between these two words. As describe ...
/HFWXUH:RUGV7KDW([SUHVV$QQR\DQFHDQG'LVJXVW z Scabrous originally came from the Latin adjective scaber, meaning “rough, ...
z Fulsome is what the author, editor, and usage expert Bryan A. Garner calls a VNXQNHGWHUP, that is, a word or term that is un ...
/HFWXUH:RUGV7KDW([SUHVV$QQR\DQFHDQG'LVJXVW Left in your desk over the weekend, your pastrami sandwich might become ___ ...
Fighting Words and Peaceful Words Lecture 5 T hink back to a time when you had a disagreement with someone. Was LWMXVWDWLIIR ...
Lecture 5: Fighting Words and Peaceful Words ż Row: an upheaval, a free- for-all, a rumble. z In addition to words that descri ...
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