Building a Better Vocabulary
that ensues when your annoying cousin makes yet another controversial comment at the next family reunion. Imbroglio (noun) $VW ...
Lecture 5: Fighting Words and Peaceful Words rebels—people who have lost a war but want to “make war again” to overcome their co ...
z We often hear halcyon used along with such words as days and times, as in “The elders of the village spoke wistfully of the h ...
Lecture 5: Fighting Words and Peaceful Words A Peaceful Root z (DUOLHULQWKHOHFWXUHZHLGHQWL¿HGWKH/DWLQURRWbell (meanin ...
This word sometimes refers to scathing or harsh criticism. Parents who __ their children may end up with __ teenagers. In ice h ...
Lecture 6: Going beyond Dictionary Meanings Going beyond Dictionary Meanings Lecture 6 A t this point in the course, we’ve learn ...
z 7KH³JRWR ́PQHPRQLFGHYLFHIRUOHDUQLQJYRFDEXODU\GH¿QLWLRQVLV the word-part connection strategy, which works as follows ...
Lecture 6: Going beyond Dictionary Meanings “delicious” meaning of toothsome seems relatively simple: We can simply visualize te ...
Lecture 6: Going beyond Dictionary Meanings Circumlocution (noun) Evasive, long-winded rambling or indirect speech. z You can a ...
four-square concept map on the back of your vocabulary cards. You ZLOOWKHQKDYHHDFKZRUG¶VGH¿QLWLRQLWVV\QRQ\PVDQGDQWRQ\P ...
Lecture 6: Going beyond Dictionary Meanings Putting Words to Work z As we’ve said, words exist in context, not in vocabulary bo ...
Try the word-part connection strategy with the word reparable. Draw a four-square concept map for the word abysmal. This word h ...
Lecture 7: Wicked Words Wicked Words Lecture 7 A ccording to the Irish political theorist and philosopher Edmund Burke, “The onl ...
z Our key word for mal- is malfunction, meaning “to function badly or to stop functioning.” As we’ve learned in past lectures, ...
Lecture 7: Wicked Words z To remember malcontent, make a connection to a person you know who is always complaining, and write t ...
ż ,I ZH DGG WKH SUH¿[ mal- to adroit, we get maladroit, an adjective meaning badly skilled or badly agile—in other words, ...
Lecture 7: Wicked Words Malinger (verb) To fake or exaggerate illness, usually to avoid work. Venal (adjective) Open to corrupti ...
on the nv in both invidious and envy to serve as a reminder that invidious comments ignite envy and ill will in others. Turpitud ...
Lecture 8: Words for Beginnings and Endings Words for Beginnings and Endings Lecture 8 I n his famous “To be, or not to be” soli ...
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