Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)
Taking derivatives, we obtain @lnLðbÞ @bj ¼~ k Yk P^ðXkÞ 1 Yk 1 P^ðXkÞ () ^PðXkÞ ð 1 P^ðXkÞÞXjk; which can be rewritten as ...
Detailed Outline Abbreviated Outline I. Overview (pages 304–305) A. Focus: Goodness of fit (GOF) – assessing the extent to which ...
ii. Saturated model (n¼40 parameters) logit PðXÞ¼o 1 Z 1 þo 2 Z 2 þo 3 Z 3 þþo 40 Z 40 Zi¼ 1 if subjecti; i¼ 1 ; 2 ...; 40 0 ...
F. Using DevETðb^Þto test for GOF: i. WhenG<<n, can assume DevETðb^Þis approximatelyw^2 np 1 underH 0 : good fit ii. How ...
C. Table of observed and expect counts (Step 4) Deciles of risk 1 2 3 10 Oc3 Oc2 Oc1 Onc3 Onc10 Onc2 Onc1 Ec3 Ec10 Ec2 Ec1 Enc3 ...
iii. The HL statistics computed for both models are not significant, i.e., there is no evidence from this test that either model ...
Practice Exercises Practice Exercises The following questions and computer information con- sider the Evans Country dataset on 6 ...
Partition for the Hosmer and Lemeshow Test Event Nonevent Group Total Observed Expected Observed Expected 1 274 17 18.66 257 255 ...
a. What can you conclude from the Hosmer– Lemeshow statistic provided in the above output about whether the model has lack of f ...
Partition for the Hosmer and Lemeshow Test Event Nonevent Group Total Observed Expected Observed Expected 1 274 17 17.00 257 257 ...
Test The following questions and computer output consider a data from a cross-sectional study carried out at Grady Hospital in A ...
Partition for the Hosmer and Lemeshow Test mrsa¼1 mrsa¼ 0 Group Total Observed Expected Observed Expected 1 29 1 0.99 28 28.01 2 ...
d. Why is the deviance value of 159.2017 not distributed approximately as a chi-square variable under the null hypothesis that t ...
Partition for the Hosmer and Lemeshow Test mrsa¼1 mrsa¼ 0 Group Total Observed Expected Observed Expected 1 29 1 1.50 28 27.50 2 ...
Answers to Practice Exercises Practice Exercises The data listing is in events trials (ET) format. There are eight lines of dat ...
d. The deviance of 0.9544 is equivalent to the LR test that compares Model 1 with Model 2. Since this test statistic (df¼3) is h ...
10 Assessing Discriminatory Performance of a Binary Logistic Model: ROC Curves n Contents Introduction 346 Abbreviated Outline O ...
Introduction In this chapter, we describe and illustrate methods for assessing the extent that a fitted binary logistic model ca ...
Objectives Upon completing this chapter, the learner should be able to: Given a fitted binary logistic model, describe or illus ...
Presentation I. Overview Assessing discriminatory performance (DP) of a binary logistic model Focus Good DP:model discriminates ...
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