Thoughts to Build On
Chapter 41 DANGER! Do Not Threaten! Perhaps, never before, has there been such imminent danger to so many people who do not even ...
Let us simplify our analysis so that there can be no misunderstanding, and examine the one basic cause of this danger: Danger is ...
To threaten another, is to set a time-bomb inside yourself, using a clock without hands or markings, and so never know when it w ...
many, whom many fear." (That statement referred to Julius Caesar.) People who make threats are not always in dan- ger of assassi ...
Chapter 42 "I Direct Your Attention To ... 'J'J It is a cliche often used by public speakers: "I direct your attention to ... " ...
Although the subconscious is the "storehouse of memory," we do not nonnally learn by subconscious exposure, but by conscious con ...
And let us remember, too, in these days of hallucinatory drugs which block out the reasoning, con- scious mind so that one can t ...
Chapter 43 Are You Lonely? There are many people who, by the nature of their lives, occupations or circumstances, spend consider ...
Getting rid of loneliness not only is simple and penn anent, but its elimination provides the double enjoy- ment of decreasing u ...
are. That is why not liking yourself and therefore especially not liking being alone with yourself causes the mental and emotion ...
I don't need to make a case for it. I need only ask you to read their biographies. Any of them. All of them. Was Jesus lonesome ...
the window of a plane, I look down on jewels of light, some scattered, some bursting in massed splendor like exploding skyrocket ...
yourself'. But if you use work, sports, play, concentration games, for the sheer fun of enjoying and expressing your- self in ha ...
Chapter 44 Find Out The world belongs to those who find out. Show me the person who can find out what the trouble is-and how to ...
could find out first, so that what they thought, said, and did, would be right. There is no advantage in being wrong -even if yo ...
(2) M OTIV ATE you first to find out what you need to know and what you need to do to assure your success-and then continue to m ...
Chapter 45 Success Begins With Three It is the unique plan of this book that each chapter shall be unrelated to preceding chapte ...
DO" to as far as available imagination can see. The degree will depend on the stage of development. But that does not affect the ...
provide sufficient directional motivation along with the facts. Finally, there is a third essential which-to- gether with inspir ...
(2) Are the underprivileged MOTIVATED first to find out what they need to mow and do to earn success and are they enthusiastical ...
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