Thoughts to Build On
pace, too. Awareness of its existence is prerequisite to .find- ing it. It is not so obvious as the pace of your heartbeat or br ...
Chapter 52 The Ostrich Target It has been said that an ostrich which sticks its head in the sand, makes an irresistible target f ...
it and believe it. That simple affirmation effected many remarkable cures and it will cure a lot of people today. Since more tha ...
at least, perpetuate it. So his affirmation never referred to a specific condition. Now, there is a lot of logic and sound psych ...
so is hiding our heads in the sand; we hide from no one and we escape from nothing. This is no book on religion. I do not propos ...
You will not be immobilized, bent over, with your head, ostrich-like, stuck in the sand of escapism to present an irresistible t ...
Chapter 53 Include Yourself In Having been president of a national advertising agency and a nationwide public relations finn bef ...
Let me give you a few examples of this very rewarding technique-starting with business firms. In our advertising and public rela ...
and establish their similarity. Similarity is the road to acceptance. It "includes you in". The technique, then, is to find simi ...
Chapter 54 Smile ... ANYHOW!!! You probably have heard the story of the woman who was beset with annoyances, problems and troubl ...
and if we don't find life stimulating, we shall not find it interesting. Psychologists have offered various suggestions to get u ...
"the one, best, perfect solution".) It requires as much energy to try to escape from a problem as it does to grapple with it and ...
Chapter 55 How To Be A Billionaire It is the serious purpose of this chapter to tell you how to make a BILLION dollars. Now that ...
First you try harder... and then you try harder than that... and you try harder than that... then try harder than that... and so ...
Chapter 56 GOODWILL Is Your SUCCESS INSURANCE You insure your life, health, income, property and just about everything valuable, ...
In some businesses, goodwill is their greatest single asset. Many companies have been purchased for huge sums primarily to acqui ...
Any test which has so much to do with success or failure-and which, if used, will insure your success- should have your most car ...
portions as it becomes emotionalized by repeated review- ling. Make it a rule: never incur ill will. Your own ego satisfaction j ...
(1) I want to be IMPORTANT. (2) I want to be ADMIRED. (3) I want to be APPRECIATED. If in dealing with others, whatever you say, ...
Chapter 57 Use Your NOTHING COMPUTER A very valuable computer has just been dis- covered I This valuable computer has been disco ...
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