Thoughts to Build On
Chapter 46 When Personal Tragedy Comes This is not a happy chapter to write-but it needs to be written in the hope that some day ...
Four things. Other things, too, perhaps-but always these four, because just as personal tragedy is inevitable, these four steps ...
And so, with personal tragedy. Complete ACCEPTANCE of it-with humility and submission- quietly, but surely, gives you the master ...
(3) ADAPT: The act of ADAPTING gives validity to admitting and accepting-it is the third dimen- sion which imparts substance, ot ...
and ye shall find." For it is a Law of Life that when Fate closes one door, Faith opens another. And what is beckoning to you be ...
surmount such inevitable vicissitudes as the unpredictable future may bring. Where is the source of such additional power as you ...
Chapter 47 The Sympathy Seekers This world does not have a very good reputa- tion for treating its temporary occupants with tend ...
Some years later, a lame, weak little boy named George Jowett decided that determination was more constructive than sympathy. He ...
surmount your handicap and achieve a happy, satisfying life while you are handicapped-in spite of your handicap- or, better stil ...
There are countless thousands who daily sur- mount their handicaps by accepting them and adapting to them. They seek no sympathy ...
Chapter 48 Externalize YourseH. Don't Exist! This is a psychological technique which may eliminate self-consciousness, make you ...
time to himseH and the effect of his antagonistic environ- ment on himseH. Now let's consider what would happen if we were to re ...
know more about themselves than you do, this would enable them to do most of the talking-an additional star in your conversation ...
Chapter 49 Infinity Has No Problems So you have problems? Troubles? Fears, wor- ries, anxieties? Sure you do. But do you know wh ...
sonal-to YOU! Because EVERYTHING, which is In- finity, includes YOU. That makes YOU a part of the Infinite which is so big, so p ...
Chapter 50 Life Is A Mirror This is going to be a sort of trite chapter- because I (and others) have written about this truism o ...
But, some say that appearances are misleading. And so they are-sometimes-if we judge by physical ap- pearances only. Many people ...
what we are, causes the circumstances and events of our lives. Do not be so naive as to delude yourself that your life is a happ ...
Chapter 51 Inner Pace For Inner Peace Those, who have thought deeply, have referred to inner pace in different ways: « · .. lik ...
In a world which buffets us about-sometimes gently, sometimes harshly-we would be at the mercy of relentless, unpredictable and ...
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