Thoughts to Build On
keep a debit of unhappy memories which will cancel out the happy ones. Here's how to start and operate your own MEMORY BANK: ( 1 ...
memory deposit in your Memory Bank is more important (and more lasting) than making a money deposit in your bank. (5) Make memor ...
if he spoke English... " or just, «The best steak I ever ate was in an out-of-the-way little restaurant in ... ., or even, "When ...
brief) reply. Just writing letters of commendation in the hope that you will receive a courteous acknowledgment, will produce to ...
memories, supplemented by photographs, picture post cards, descriptive folders, menus of outstanding restaurants where you have ...
Chapter 25 How YOU Can Radiate Personal Magnetism Like Movie And T.V. Stars Except for "character" actors who specialize in port ...
not-too-generally-known information on the next few pages may be of tremendous value. However, if you infrequently associate wit ...
alertness, excitement, exhilaration, elation, anticipation, confidence and emotional power. Then be acutely aware of an intensif ...
Next feel ANTICIPATION! Feel that "some- thing wonderful" is about to happen! ThEm feel CONFIDENT! Very confident! Feel that you ...
You now have learned step (1) of the personal magnetism secret of the movie and television star:s and all other magnetic persona ...
it will give you a phoney, superficial look. Try it in front of a mirror-and see yourself as others see you! A genuine, sincere ...
Here's what happens (and you can check this in your mirror): As soon as you "feel" inwardly like smiling and start expressing th ...
Chapter 26 Be Your Own Ghost One of the best methods of self-improvement and disciplined effort is to become your own ghost. Thi ...
Of course, this is simply "detached, objective self-analysis". But you'll enjoy it more-and get better results-if you use your i ...
But will not developing the feeling that your ghost is standing nearby, critically watching you perfonn each daily task, give yo ...
Chapter 27 A Wall And Two Roads When Robert Frost, my favorite poet, was asked to explain one of his poems, he replied, "What do ...
I've been wondering about that. Did the Great Wall of China make good. neighbors? Did the Maginot Line in France-a sort of inver ...
Yes, Mr. Frost, all of us direct our own lives by our choice of roads. It is a choiCe we frequently must make. And each choice i ...
Chapter 28 "Press On!" History has not yet decided in which niche to place the marble bust of President Calvin Coolidge. His lif ...
clearly and precisely before he spoke. And then he spoke with a brevity which was notable. As in the case of his presidential po ...
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