Birgit Wolz - E-Motion Picture Magic-A Movie Lover\'s Guide to Healing and Transformation
man’s own anger scares him more than the other person. After reacting only to the actions of the other in unconscious ways for a ...
Normally, when she would feel herself being drawn into her rage, it was impossible to take this conscious internal step back. No ...
actually saw “two” movies: Changing Lanesand Nancy’s process. He was able see the difference in Nancy’s efforts as well as her l ...
depth of experience, it is often still hard to avoid falling into unconscious patterns of thinking and behavior that do not serv ...
of his plays, he invented several techniques to ensure that his audience maintained a level of aesthetic distance. One of these ...
with psychological problems. That in turn can help to remove whatever blockages you might have that are preventing mental and em ...
dissolve or help you to take appropriate action, depending on what’s needed in a specific situation. The benefits are a life liv ...
Experiencing, developed by Peter Levine and Focusing, devel- oped by Eugene Gendlin. If at any time you are finding it hard to g ...
As you become aware of a physical sensation that is trig- gered by emotions during a movie experience, you increase your capacit ...
While the desensitization process I just described is for undesired emotions, a similar approach can help you increase and learn ...
breathe a little deeper, as if my busy life had stopped for a while, and I could just enjoy these moments of peacefulness. The t ...
discussions with the experts it is clear to them that one problem they face is the lack of a system for integrating knowledge ab ...
watching the movie Sliding Doors in this way had a profound effect on her. Movie Preview:Sliding Doors (1998) Sometimes when the ...
with her boyfriend. At this point in our session Sue said she felt flooded with awe and gratitude about her understanding and a ...
your physical sensations. What happens when these throw you off balance because they trigger undesired emotions? Just put your a ...
There are possible exceptions to what I just said. A movie or movie scene might remind you of an emotionally traumatic experienc ...
capacities, inner wisdom, or your higher self as you watched the film or immediately after? Did anything in this movie touch y ...
4 Using Movies to Release Negative Beliefs Have you ever found yourself watching a movie that seemed as if it were a scene from ...
and at the same time react to that illusion as if it were real? The secret to that riddle can be summed up in one phrase: our ca ...
challenged by our experience. It may have been difficult to maintain that belief when we were first learning to drive. Perhaps w ...
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