Birgit Wolz - E-Motion Picture Magic-A Movie Lover\'s Guide to Healing and Transformation
Often our standards are not very clear in our consciousness, and we question our behavior only in response to feelings of guilt ...
Our self-judgments continue to grow as we develop. When our mom told us “Do not touch that knife,” we were not able to distingui ...
contributes to our sense of guilt, especially in response to a cri- sis in our life. “What did I do to cause this?” “I should ha ...
Exercise 5: Other Influences Does this come close to your experiences? If so, write about how these thoughts relate to your own ...
Movie Analysis: My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) Toula Portokalos arrives at work with her father, who tells his daughter how old ...
My client Terry had an interesting experience with this film. For quite some time she kept telling me about her low self-esteem. ...
questions throughout the next month. After a while she started looking much more confident. Terry thought now that Toula may hav ...
Movie Previews: Dead Poets Society (1989) Prep school student Todd Anderson suffers in the shadow of his roommate and his older ...
“borrow” some money, she moves to the city, alters her name, and reinvents her life, thus learning to value herself. Exercise 6: ...
you aware of your undesired behavior or attitudes. It serves as a messenger, encouraging you to correct your mistake, to apol- o ...
falls under the influence of a street hustler, becomes a numbers runner, and ends up in prison for petty burglary. There he refl ...
hero at the height of the Great Depression. In addition to telling this true-life story of a champion horse, this film also tell ...
Step 5: Accepting Weaknesses to Focus on True Capacities If you find limitations as you try to improve, watching differ- ent kin ...
from his goal: He is determined to raise his small daughter, Lucy, himself. But as she turns seven and becomes smarter than Sam, ...
7 Grief and Transformation A Sufi master once said: “If you think your work in life is fin- ished and you are still alive, it is ...
Crises often seem to happen to us just when things are going their best. The thing we thought would never happen to us happens, ...
I deserve this pain because I made mistakes Such thoughts can actually injure us emotionally if we accept them. They can make ...
You may discover that there are some important reasons why you have held on to your distorted belief(s). Perhaps they have serve ...
irritability, frustration and more. Underneath these feelings usually lies a hurt about someone or some- thing we need to let go ...
guidelines for conscious movie viewing (see Chapter 3). If you do not want to be by yourself, invite a trusted friend to watch t ...
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