Birgit Wolz - E-Motion Picture Magic-A Movie Lover\'s Guide to Healing and Transformation
painto come out stronger and wiser than when our suffering began. Our pain can be a call to conversion, a spur for us to grow up ...
passionate, communist, bisexual Mexican painter, Frida Kahlo. As with many films and stories, the values and beliefs of the main ...
paintings. But slowly, with much endurance, she rises out of that shadow as her own work begins to garner recognition. Both Frid ...
Groundhog Day (1993) A cynical TV reporter is transformed by his experiences after he is caught in a demoralizing time warp. Ord ...
Norma Rae (1979) With much endurance a young widow rises above her impoverished circumstances and against stiff opposition to le ...
access one tiny act of courage to keep hope alive. These small acts can start to put us back in control of our lives. Did you se ...
well. For this to happen we need to learn to listen better. We cannot walk quickly, so we learn to wait. Did you see examples in ...
8 How Film Characters Affect Us — The Film Matrix Our reactions to the characters in films can teach us much about who we are an ...
they were yours but cannot imagine ever being like this “hero.” Or perhaps you strongly disliked everything about a certain char ...
All three meanings are relevant here. First, the movie is projected on a white screen; then, everyone who watches these images p ...
projection on movie characters of desirable characteristics that do not “fit” into our self-image. Understanding this kind of pr ...
Examining and working with positive or negative qualities, which first were “outside of ourselves but on the screen” and now ar ...
Movie Preview:Grand Canyon A white and wealthy accountant, Mack, is stranded in the ghetto when his car breaks down. A black gan ...
At the same time as regard develops between Mack and Simon, Mack’s wife Claire has an extraordinary experience that opens her he ...
Mack’s secretary, Dee, is romantically interested in Mack. When he does not respond, she seems heartbroken and depressed. Eric h ...
Exercise: Creating Your Film Matrix Fill out your own Film Matrix. Select film characters that touched you most, in a positive o ...
character who sometimes acted, felt, or viewed the world in a similar way as you do? This character may also have shown some beh ...
9 Self-Discovery Through Film Characters — The Self Matrix Step 1: Acknowledging Positive Qualities With the next four steps you ...
friends. Therefore, each of them wrote into the first quadrant of their Self Matrix something similar to this: Evelyn and Eric’s ...
and the positive qualities you saw in the character you most identify with and like. Take some slow, deep breaths and listen inw ...
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