Birgit Wolz - E-Motion Picture Magic-A Movie Lover\'s Guide to Healing and Transformation
person to specifically focus on the qualities you mentioned in Quadrant I of your Self Matrix. Exercise 5: Letter Writing Write ...
Place the picture or sculpture at a prominent place in your house so that you see it frequently throughout the day. Exercises fo ...
Now, holding this person in your awareness, begin asking for forgiveness. Mentally whisper his or her name and say, “I understan ...
It might be difficult but most likely very rewarding. The meditation will have prepared you for making amends. First you may fee ...
Do you remember a situation recently when you felt harshly critical about yourself regarding one of the issues that you have n ...
inner critic as aggressive acts. You may make a matching hand gesture. Indignation:How dare you speak to me that way! It’s all r ...
enough to enjoy. The exaggeration ends up giving you energy that you need because the attacks get most of their power from causi ...
Breathe and Sense:Breathe but do not support the attack. Practice sensing your arms, legs, and belly to keep yourself grounded a ...
could help you overcome this “deficiency.” Maybe even these efforts would not make you sing especially well. A perceived shortco ...
loved. Use the exercises in Chapter 4 in combination with the Negative Belief Index in Chapter 5 to release your negative belief ...
energy that can be used to transform your shortcomings. b) Finding help: If you have not yet contemplated how to overcome your s ...
(2002), The Patriot (2000), Places of the Heart (1984), Real Women Have Curves (2002), The Straight Story (1999), Thelma and Lou ...
sacrifice her desire to increase her computer skills in favor of her career. Another friend, Max, would have loved to be able to ...
Exercise 1: Accessing Your Inner Wisdom I recommend speaking the text of the following guided meditation on a tape, then listeni ...
to his or her guidance until you find the answer you are look- ing for. Exercise 2: Listing the Evidence Make a list of situatio ...
you can make the colors brighter, sounds more full, and your feelings, and sensations more intense. Focus on the appreciation or ...
These exercises were: List of Positive Effects on Others Guided Meditation Self-Appreciation Mutual Appreciation Lette ...
11 Creating a Cinema Therapy Group Over the years I have facilitated and taken part in many differ- ent groups for healing and p ...
able to continue using what they have learned about self-dis- covery when watching films. Although group members usually are emp ...
working alone. In this respect a cinema therapy group works similar to a dream group. Therefore my suggestions for these groups ...
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