Birgit Wolz - E-Motion Picture Magic-A Movie Lover\'s Guide to Healing and Transformation
attitude in the past. A compassionate and benevolent friend would not respond critically to us about our perceived short- coming ...
Evelyn also remembered that she had been much dreamier as a child and received much criticism from her mother. In the meantime, ...
the result of an overly critical view of yourself? If you are not sure, remember honest feedback from well-meaning friends. You ...
this exploration than our projections on “real people” because unrelated aspects of our relationships with them can distort the ...
Exercise 3: Recognizing Projected Positive Qualities Again, visit your Film Matrix. This time look at Quadrant III. Since it can ...
Step 4: Recognizing Projected Shortcomings Please note that in this following section, I use the word “pro- jection” in the narr ...
are the devil’s workshop!” and “Good girls do not roughhouse with boys.” In order to win or keep our parents’ love, we try to ri ...
prior to the development of psychology, the only way to talk about such things was through the use of metaphors. Hence, our myth ...
Many movies reflect this theme of the shadow self. Watching one of them might help clarify your thoughts as you prepare to bring ...
down the laboratory stairs. That night she has nightmares of her father beating her on a street corner. Curious about the assist ...
been miniaturized, flattened, rolled up tight and shut in the darkness inside a steel can, much the same way movies are stored.^ ...
what she wanted to see rather than what really was. Following the revelation of Torvald’s true feelings, she switches and projec ...
breaks out of her. Her husband usually is shocked by her out- burst and suddenly starts listening to her. Evelyn also told us th ...
shadow bag, he might open a door to more emotional closeness in his relationships. It made sense to him that being emotion- ally ...
Since it can be difficult to recognize the film character’s deficiency in yourself, you again might want to use a couple of tric ...
10 Powerful Tools for Healing and Growth — The Growth Matrix With help of the Self Matrix you were able to identify aspects in y ...
Your Growth Matrix: How can you learn How can you to have compassion enhance and with your real or strengthen your perceived sho ...
it into the respective quadrant. The more exercises you choose the better. Of course you are not limited to the tools that are s ...
influenced. If you are not sure about these effects, use your intuition. People who How they Quality are affected are affected A ...
Exercise 3: Self-Appreciation At night, after you lie down in bed, before you fall asleep, let your mind wander, thinking about ...
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