Levirate Marriage and the Family in Ancient Judaism
Introduction [ xx ] Although laws ordering relationships between family members are meant to maintain order and promote harmony ...
Introduction [ xxi ] information, nor can they be used uncritically as historical witnesses. I treat rabbinic texts as prescript ...
Introduction [ xxii ] helps me understand levirate in ancient Judaism, I use anthropology and cross-cultural comparison to eluci ...
Introduction [ xxiii ] Chapter 2 begins with an analysis of levirate in the Hebrew Bible. rabbinic constructs of levirate repres ...
Introduction [ xxiv ] “reenter” her husband’s family, to resume her status in it as wife and in-law. Analysis of the status and ...
Introduction [ xxv ] rabbis’ lack of enthusiasm for levirate can thus be understood, in part, by their views of marriage and fam ...
Introduction [ xxvi ] neutics to support a vision of the family and the place of the individual within the family that differs c ...
[ ] [1] The Institution of Levirate W hat is levirate and how did it function in ancient Israel and early Judaism? Was levirat ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] widows — and the expectations of the extended family regarding obli- gations to the dead. ...
The Institution of Levirate [ ] general, as well as studies of marriage and widowhood in various soci- eties in Africa and Asi ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] These definitions of levirate alert us to a sharp distinction between levirate as general ...
The Institution of Levirate [ ] While there are characteristics associated with all or most levirate unions, these unions vary ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] Pract it ioners of lev i rate l ive i n societ ies whose members a re genera l ly pastora ...
The Institution of Levirate [ ] mitted through the female line; a daughter’s son may inherit from his grandfather when the gra ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] eties that practice levirate are clearly patriarchal and exert significant control over t ...
The Institution of Levirate [ ] In some patrilocal societies, a woman whose husband dies returns to her family of origin. In m ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] In societies in which marriage is seen as a “once-in-a-lifetime event” for women, remarr ...
The Institution of Levirate [ ] when she marries and goes to live with her husband’s family; she cannot return to her family ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] “keep” the widow, since they have the right to retain her children re- gardless of her d ...
The Institution of Levirate [ ] The Dukawa of Nigeria are patrilineal and patrilocal. Dukawa are generally monogamous, althou ...
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