Levirate Marriage and the Family in Ancient Judaism
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] e. As Rav said to his son Hiyya and as R. Huna said to his son Rabbah: In [your wife’s] ...
[ ] Mapping the Family those for whom he would mourn, a phrase understood by the Bavli as requiring a person to behave like a ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] as his close kin? Given the incest laws in earlier chapters of Leviticus, it would be re ...
[ ] Mapping the Family The Mishnah’s initial list [A] defines a man’s male relatives as includ- ing male members of his nucle ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] bers of a given generation or degree of kinship: first, second, and third. The first gen ...
[ ] Mapping the Family hibition to a situation involving members of the first and third genera- tions, Ego’s son and Ego’s un ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] that privileges inheritance by individuals who share a common male ancestor, but allows ...
[ ] Mapping the Family ural heir’s rights are transferred upon his or her death to his or her chil- dren.^101 If a ma n’s son ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] will devolve on grandchildren, nephews, nieces, or even more distant kin who are not par ...
[ ] Mapping the Family on by the rabbis are cited in limitations on levirate. A community whose marriage preferences involve ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] t ives by ma r r iage, t he women closely related to h is w i fe a re not a s “close” to ...
[ ] Mapping the Family but did not die until after the surviving [brother] married, [the widow] was never available to him!^1 ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] GEMARA a. Our rabbis taught: Which [women] are [in the category of] secondary relatives? ...
[ ] Mapping the Family from the same mother is a secondary prohibition, and they decreed regarding the wife of his mother’s b ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] k. Come and learn: [The baraita above taught]: “Which [women] are [in the category of] s ...
[ ] Mapping the Family We also learn that some degrees of kinship are stronger than others. A stepchild is treated like a rel ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] part of his family, whether they are related to one of his parents through a shared fath ...
[ ] Mapping the Family viewed by Ego as members of his extended family. While relationships may be defined very clearly throu ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] tween Ego and his wife and the marriage between the woman in ques- tion and her husband ...
[ ] Mapping the Family This passage proposes a distinction between descendants and ances- tors, and between direct descendant ...
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