Levirate Marriage and the Family in Ancient Judaism
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] brother” or “my mother’s sister’s husband.” In some cultures, non-family members may be ...
[ ] Mapping the Family (hoten), “mother-in-law” (hotenet or hamot), “son-in-law” (hatan), and “d aug hter-i n-law ” (kalla).^ ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] nomenclature of the rabbis and that of the Hebrew Bible. While the Bavli sometimes uses ...
[ ] Mapping the Family A spousal relationship is in some ways unique. It is worth noting that the biblical laws that determin ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] also marked by special terminology, suggesting that these were consid- ered important re ...
[ ] Mapping the Family In the incest laws of Leviticus the term l’galot erva, “to u ncover na ked- ness,” connotes sexual rel ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] according to tannaitic midrash were “spoken [by God] at the same mo- ment.” This overlap ...
[ ] Mapping the Family sister-in-law who is related to the surviving brother beyond her marriage to his brother. Still, these ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] daughter, grandmothers-in-law, and stepmother-in-law. It omits men- tion of several wome ...
[ ] Mapping the Family The Bavli suggests that levirate marriage might, in theory, be mandated even when it resulted in a man ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] married to one of this man’s closest relatives. Thus a man could find himself married to ...
[ ] Mapping the Family levirate marriage.^61 Furthermore, we learn that in cases when there was no chance that a marriage cou ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] generations and including in-laws as well as blood relations and their spouses. Meyers a ...
[ ] Mapping the Family that the deceased had more than one wife. Furthermore, the possibility of levirate is greatly increase ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] tween men and their sister’s daughters, while Babylonian sources prefer marriages betwee ...
[ ] Mapping the Family rabbis were aware of the complex relationships that could exist within a family. Individuals might sim ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] children. A matrilineal system is the mirror image of a patrilineal sys- tem, although m ...
[ ] Mapping the Family Jew while the child of a Jewish father and a non-Jewish mother is not has led people to characterize J ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] connection {that is, that one’s descent is determined by one’s father, not one’s mother} ...
[ ] Mapping the Family viduals outside of that lineage, including maternal kin and the kin of his or her spouse as “family.” ...
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