Levirate Marriage and the Family in Ancient Judaism
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] the Palestinian preference for halitza. At the very least, Yose regards hal- itza and l ...
[ ] From Wife to Widow and Back Again halitza] and he did not, halitza is invalid until both intend [to perform halitza].” Y ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] w. For is it not taught: One who is fleeing from prison and reaches a ford, may say [to ...
[ ] From Wife to Widow and Back Again for a rabbi’s decision to trick the levir into halitza, but the Yerushalmi seems more ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] bar Abba helped a woman avoid levirate marriage. While the Bavli offers an elaborate ex ...
[ ] From Wife to Widow and Back Again who says, “I am forbidden to you” bring proof. [As for the one who says,] “God is [the ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] her levir after her husband’s death. The Bavli preserves the power of the sages to dete ...
[ ] From Wife to Widow and Back Again negative or positive, they might lead her to act thoughtlessly or in a cal- culating w ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] levirate union. According to Mishnah Yevamot :, a fat her wou ld i n her it his child ...
[ ] From Wife to Widow and Back Again It seems li kely t hat at least in some circumsta nces, a ma n or woma n’s family migh ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] tionships are presumably strained because of jealousy or a sense on the part of these w ...
[ ] From Wife to Widow and Back Again women may want children to support them when they are old and to arrange for their bur ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] consent. Their attempts to resolve this anomaly by “normalizing” levi- rate marriage ha ...
[ ] [6] Paternity and Continuity T he stated goal of levirate in ancient Israel, according to Deuter- onomy , was the crea ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] might be born to the couple, but it was the oldest child whose birth re- solved the pro ...
[ ] Paternity and Continuity no longer allowed to justify heroic measures, nor can they be mandated at the expense of anothe ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] no levirate bond is created between the deceased’s brother and his wife when the latter ...
[ ] Paternity and Continuity the child or children of the levirate union, rather than award it to the father or the brothers ...
Levirate Marriage and the Family [ ] these discussions insist that the children of a levirate union are the legal issue not ...
[ ] Paternity and Continuity must make a guilt offering, signaling that they may have had an inces- tuous relationship. In t ...
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