Sustainability and National Security
Fragile states, populated by some two billion peo- ple, are emerging as one of the greatest threats to in- ternational security, ...
systems. Prior research generally concluded environ- mental stress is an important, but indirect, contributor to instability and ...
instability can result in costly humanitarian and mili- tary interventions. Figure 1. Human-Environmental System and State Fragi ...
focus, concerns, threats, and responses by major security type (Hearne 2009). Source: Adapted from Liotta 2005; Liotta and Owen ...
temporary U.S. national security policy, not surpris- ingly, the attacks of September 11, 2001 refocused the national security s ...
cus of traditional state-centric security be redefined and redirected to the individual, with an emphasis on underlying social, ...
“decisions today regarding the environment and natural resources can affect our security for genera- tions” (White House 1991). ...
competing powers seeking to undermine U.S. inter- ests. The U.S. Government (USG) and military now face far more disparate and n ...
the human security concept. Fragility is an unusual term of convergence grown out of disciplines of “in- ternational relations” ...
With its international relations and development roots, this concept grew in relevance and use within the international developm ...
Given DODD 3000.5 and recent SSTR experiences, the U.S. Army had ample drivers to become a lead- er and early adopter as it star ...
tion process, USAID effectively made the case of why and how fragility is highly relevant in the context of a U.S. “whole of gov ...
non-traditional threat areas prior to instability or con- flict. For example, awareness of countries which are becoming increasi ...
citizenry. Few of these instability models anticipated popular uprisings throughout much of North Africa and the Middle East (e. ...
awareness in responding to emerging stability crises, but the fragility component also informs proactive, shaping engagement act ...
has developed and institutionalized the Interagency Conflict Assessment Framework (ICAF), which en- gages qualitative inputs and ...
Quantitative Qualitative Strengths High Predictive Capacity (especially political crisis and instability) Rich Contextual Inform ...
* SERENGETI is not a monitoring or early warning system; however, it can be used as an early warning system because its data col ...
degraded natural resources on conflict, instability, and fragility. Fragility offers a useful bridging concept between conflict ...
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