Variable name Variable label Source Unit of Measure Capital flows Portfolio investment/GDP ECLAC Percentage of GDP REER Index of ...
income inequality) which proxies labor market policies. As for redistributive policies, the following variables were used in reg ...
In the vast majority of cases, the explanatory variables are strongly independent among each other. This is not true in five cas ...
dataset, the OLS procedure tends to yield inefficient and distorted estimates of the values of and Baltagi. The estimation proce ...
(iv) As for the impact of the external conditions, the results suggest that their direct effect is significant but not large tho ...
Table 12. Fixed-effects regression results (dependent variable: Gini coefficient of distribution of disposable income/c) Source: ...
with considering the possibility of reverse causation among dependent and independent variables^56. With these caveats in mind, ...
inequality have nothing to do with the policy changes introduced by LOC and some conservative governments in the economic and so ...
a drop in oil prices), Mexico, Ecuador and Columbia. Tourist receipts also declined, though to a lesser extent, and affected a l ...
ratio should drop by only half a point. Finally, the growing deficit of the current account triggered a wave of currency devalua ...
the Southern Cone nations, which trade mainly with East Asia, are less likely to be affected due to the milder recession experie ...
assumes: a modest decline (five percent of its initial value) in tax incidence among non-commodity exporters and of 35% among co ...
In Latvia, for instance, private consumption per capita is expected to fall by a staggering 40% over 2008-2010. In fact, (CEPAL ...
extent, by the recent terms of trade gains) as well as public spending for education, cash transfers and other forms of social a ...
American governments still face formidable hurdles to deepen the reforms of their economies, promote inclusive growth and furthe ...
Barrientos, Armando and Claudio Santibanez (2009), “New Forms of Social assistance and the Evolution of Social Protection in Lat ...
Gasparini Leonardo, Guillermo Cruces, Leopoldo Tornarolli y Mariana Marchionni (2009) “A Turning Point? Recent Developments on I ...
Székely, Miguel (2003), “The 1990s in Latin America: Another Decade of Persistent Inequality but with Somewhat Lower Poverty”, J ...
Annex 1. Multidimensional Child Poverty Children experiencing deprivation of basic needs* Selected countries (2001 – 2006)^58 Sh ...
Shelter Sanitation Water Informa tion Food Education Health Children experiencing two or more of any deprivations India 78 64 17 ...
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