are available, is that systematic and predictable inequalities play an enormous role in determining life prospects before a chil ...
Figure 2. Ratio of indigenous to non-indigenous infant mortality rate, 200- 2002 Source: Christian Aid (2010). Opportunities and ...
The problems are as much practical as political with capturing inequalities, and in particular the major inequalities between gr ...
Policies for Reducing Income Inequality: Latin America during the Last Decade Giovanni Andrea Cornia and Bruno Martorano^42 rom ...
attribute greater importance to social issues while avoiding the populist excesses of the 1980s. However, the recent coup in Hon ...
Latin American countries had a higher income concentration than in the early-to-mid 1950s. During the ‘lost decade’ of the 1980s ...
wage. Fifth, wage differentials by skill widened, particularly during the 1990s, in parallel with widespread trade liberalizatio ...
Figure 1. Changes in the Gini coefficients of the distribution of household income per capita, between 1990 and 2002 (light blue ...
Factors explaining the changes in income inequality from 1990 to 2007 2.A. External shocks (i) Terms of trade gains. During th ...
growing emigration (Perez Caldentey and Vernengo 2007). What was the inequality impact of the r ecen t changes in terms of trade ...
not improve if the sample is restricted to the eight main commodity exporters (bottom-left panel), but improves (0.39 for 1990-2 ...
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 50 100 150 200 250 C. International Terms of Trade (x-axis) vs. Tax Revenue/GDP (y-axis) of m ain com ...
Source: authors’ elaboration on the basis of the ECLAC’s BADECON database. Notes: Tax revenue does not include non-tax revenue ( ...
(ii) Migration and migrant remittances. Traditionally, emigration has not played a central role in promoting growth in developin ...
Table 1. Remittances/GDP in countries affected by positive and negative terms of trade. 1980 - 1990 1991 - 2001 2002 - 2006 Coun ...
costs, thus making migration accessible to low income/unskilled people as well. The long term inequality impact of migration dep ...
constraint. Yet, financial exuberance also caused an appreciation of the nominal exchange rate in the majority of countries from ...
Economic theory suggests that in developing countries an increase in GDP/c improves labor absorption and, under certain conditio ...
Table 2. Labour market trends for LOC and NO-LOC countries in Latin America, 1990-2007 Country groups Variables 1990 2002 2007 L ...
Source: Gasparini et al (2009) Figure 5. Percentage changes in average years of education of the adult population and the Gini o ...
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