Basic Concepts in Clinical Biochemistry-A Practical Guide.7z
Amount of urea in blood ¼ ODof testamount of standard mgðÞ 100 dilution factor ODof standardvolume of sample mlðÞ 1000 ¼xg= ...
To Determine Urea Clearance 17 17.1 Theory To assess the kidney functions, clearance of some of the substances from the kidneys ...
17.3 Standard Urea Clearance If the volume of urine excreted/min is less than 2 ml/min, standard urea clearance is calculated by ...
Low-protein diet may give low clearance values. In prerenal uremia, there is fall in urea clearance. Increase in renal failure d ...
To Estimate Creatinine Level in Serum and Urine by Jaffe’s Reaction^18 18.1 Theory Creatinine is a waste product derived from de ...
18.3 Principle........................................ Creatinine present in serum directly reacts with alkaline picrate resulti ...
18.4 Reagents........................................ 1.2/3NH 2 SO 4 2.10% sodium tungstate:Dissolve 10 g sodium tungstate infin ...
18.7 Calculations Plot a graph between amount of creatinine at x-axis and absorbance at y-axis. Extrapolate creatinine concentra ...
To Determine Creatinine Clearance 19 19.1 Theory Creatinine clearance is defined as the volume of plasma from which creatinine i ...
19.3 Clinical Significance............................... Normal range of creatinine clearance for male is 95–125 ml/min and for ...
To Determine the Uric Acid Concentration in Serum and Urine^20 20.1 Theory Uric acid is the end product of purine metabolism (ad ...
20.3 Principle........................................ Proteins are precipitated with tungstic acid and are removed by centrifug ...
Na 2 CO 3 (ml) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Phosphotungstic acid (ml) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mix well and keep for 20 min at room temperature, r ...
20.8 Precautions Molybdate-free sodium tungstate is used for the preparation of phosphotungstic acid. Store uric acid standard ...
Estimation of Total Calcium in Serum and Urine^21 21.1 Theory Calcium is the most abundant mineral cation in the body which cont ...
21.3 Method Calcium is estimated by O-Cresolphthalien Complexone method. 21.4 Principle........................................ ...
Pipette out 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, and 200μl of 4 mg % calcium standard into the tubes labelled as S 1 to S 6. Add 50μ ...
membrane potential. Calcium levels are increased in hyperparathyroidism (determi- nation of ionized serum calcium is more useful ...
Estimation of Inorganic Phosphorus in Serum and Urine^22 22.1 Theory The body contains about 800 g of phosphorus. Of this, 90% i ...
22.2 Specimen Requirements Fasting serum sample is preferred. Avoid hemolysis since blood cell contains high amount of phosphate ...
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