Project Calm – July 2019
98 Place your gratitude box in a nook of your room with other precious items to create a special space where you can go for a fe ...
Find inspiration, wellness features and a moment of calm whenever you need it at @projectcalmmagazine @projectcal ...
100100 ...
101 Clear a room of old energy with a good clean. PREPARE YOUR SPACE Before engaging in any sacred work, it is important to set ...
102 Our homes give us shelter, keep us warm and look after us. But how often do we thank them? Close your eyes and place your le ...
103 One of my favourite things to do is to create an altar. This is a place where you can set your intentions, pray, offer your ...
This world is but a canvas to our imagination. TRAVEL 104 See the world through artist’s eyes this issue with colourful architec ...
105 Qu ote :^ H en ry^ Da vid Th ore au ;^ lm ag e:^ Irin a^ M ish ina /G ett y^ I ma ge s ...
Ph ot og rap h:^ W elc om e^ t o^ Y ork sh ire Ph ot og rap h:^ Ma yu mi Iw as ak i 106 4 1 1 3 1 Camp in a French forest, go ro ...
Ph oto gr ap h:^ La ra^ Ma ysa Ph oto gr ap h:^ An dr ew W hit ton Ph ot og rap h:^ Ma yu mi Iw as ak i 107 1 SURFING PLUS THERA ...
10 6 8 9 Ph oto gr ap h:^ Ar thu r^ R um me l Ph oto gr ap h:^ Ar thu r^ R um me l Ph oto gra ph :^ S co tt^ Sw ion tek 108 hand ...
This is the land of experiences. Come and discover. FindYourEpic Find yours... This is Wales. Images © Wales ...
Ph oto gra ph :^ K aw in^ K /Sh utt ers toc k 110 For a rich mix of heritage crafts and colour, head to Jaipur in Western India, ...
111 ...
Pho tog rap hs: all G ett y^ I ma ge s;^ t op le ft^ t o^ r igh t:^ U rba nco w,^ PE DR E,^ H ad yny ah ;^ m idd le^ lef t^ to r ...
113 Resplendent in pink, Jaipur, home to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites, stands among the deserts of Rajasthan in Western India ...
114 commercial district, with the bazaars still forming the heart of the city. Shops with beautiful colourful textiles, handmade ...
Pho tog rap hs: ba ckg rou nd :^ P ete r^ Ze lei^ Im ag es/ Ge tty ;^ to p:^ R ed tea /G ett y;^ i llu str atio n^ b ott om :^ S ...
PINK PAISLEY Create a little of the Jaipur block printing magic at home with this simple linocut technique. Our writer, Pragya A ...
12 3 4 Mix red and white ink onto the plate to create pink. With the brayer, roll the ink until you have an even layer. Place t ...
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