The 48 Laws Of Power
18 LAW 3 tendedoften.Shewouldbeunableto predict hismoves.Allofthiswould push herintothestateofemotionalconfusionthatisa prerequi ...
see, and probably if she hadbeenmadetowait longenough, whathewas up towouldnothavemattered. Themomentthe marquis utteredthatfata ...
20 LAW 3 hehad spoken for peace, madehimacabinetminister.Afew years laterhe becamethePrussian premier. Inthisrolehe eventually l ...
If youyearn for power,quicklylayhonesty aside, andtrain yourself in theartof concealingyour intentions.Mastertheartand you will ...
22 f LAW 3 infront ofthem (a phony stock, a.touted racehorse), hemadeits reality hardtodoubt. It is important, of course, not to ...
PARTII:USESMOKESCREENSTO DISGUISEYOURACTIONS Deception is always thebest strategy, butthebest deceptionsrequire ascreen of smoke ...
rmumgyou, but only flu’ ivurshipperxof Ba’u[,”Thenhewentin to offersacrifices and burnt offeringx. NowJeimhad stationed eight; m ...
Oneofthe financiers, aformer doctor, checkedhis pulse; hewasdead.The millionaires panicked:Everyone hadto get outbeforethe polic ...
26 LAW 3 1927, Selassiewasabletosummonthe warlords, oneata time, tocometo AmldisAbabatodeclaretheir loyalty and recognize himasl ...
hurriedbackwithhis600-man bodyguard, Selassiehad.armedhisown troops withbasketsof gold andcash. They hadsurroundedBalcha’s army ...
LAW 3 Once you havelulled your suckers’attentionwiththe familiar, they willnotnoticethe deceptionbeingperpetrated behindtheirbac ...
they hadto spend a hefty sum, but they figured they had managed torid themselvesofan irritating competitor. Afewmonths later, th ...
30 LAW 3 REVERSAL Nosmoke screen, red herring, false sincerity, or any other diversionary de- vicewillsucceedin concealingyour i ...
LAW ALWAYS SAY LESS THAN NECESSARY _j UDGMENT When you are trying to impress people with words, the more yousay, themovecommon y ...
Down,onhis luck,[the S(3l‘e(?flWflf(<‘Y] Mirrhuel Arlmwmtto/Vow Yorkin1944.T2)drown l1is.s'¢2rrow.s‘ he paid 11 VlSlItothe fa ...
himin rapt silence. Hestarted slowly and softly, butasthe speech went on, hebecamemoreandmoreblunt.Yet again he hurledinsults!Hi ...
Umiuziful words ofa sI4b}er.'I (In often mks deeper I'()()l thanthe memoryzwflll ileedv... ThelateEarl of Emex mlal Qzmerx E/izu ...
Yourshortanswersandsilenceswill put themonthe defensive, and they will jump in, nervously filling thesilencewithallkindsofcommen ...
36 LAW 4 mentary satisfaction yougain with yourbiting wordswillbe outweighedby the priceyoupay. Imat g e 1 TheOracleat Delphi. W ...
LAW SO MUCH DEPENDS ON REPUTATION—GUARD IT WITH YOUR LIFE JUDGMENT Reputation isthecamerstane afpowet:Tlmmghreputw tionalone you ...
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