Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book
The Core Worlds yne Lore vvorias region is tne governmental ana cuitur- I al center of the galaxy. For millennia, the Core World ...
Duro: Duro is homeworld to the Duros species. The Duros were among the earliest spacefaring societies, predating even the modern ...
The Colonies T he Colonies form the first ring of major galactic ex- ploration and expansion beyond the Core Worlds. The Colonie ...
GRIIMIMER'S COLONIAL PROSPECTS Ah, the Colonies. There's a lot of wealth tied up in these worlds, and they're not afraid to spen ...
the rank of Moff. The event serves as a rallying cry against the Empire. Giju: Giju is the homeworld of the Herglics and the cen ...
Empire forcibly removed the established colony to convert the system into a new naval shipyard. By betraying promises made to th ...
THE EXPANSION REGION The Expansion Region is one of the galaxy's primary I regions for manufacturing and heavy industry. The reg ...
Cathar: Cathar is the homeworld of the species of the same name. Cathar is best known for suffering a dev- astating attack durin ...
The Mid Rim T he Mid Rim opened for colonization after the Ex- pansion Region's booming growth died down. It is known as a relat ...
GRTNNER'S MIDDLE PITCH To hear those from the Core talk, you'd think that the Mid Rim is nothing more than a few slightly intere ...
Ubrikkia: Ubrikkia is the manufacturing center for the famous Ubrikkian Industries and its subsidiaries. Repulsorlift vehicles, ...
THE MAW n ear the planet of Kessel lies a mysterious cluster of black holes known as the Maw or the Maw Cluster. Nearly un-navig ...
Mandalore: Mandalore is the homeworld of the Mandalorians, an ancient, warrior-based culture. The Mandalorians once ruled large ...
GRINNER'S OUTER RIM OPPORTUNITIES The Outer Rim is a smuggler's paradise. The sheer number and variety of worlds and species mea ...
Wild Space and the Unknown Regions Ilild Space and the Unknown Regions represent Withe vast interstellar unknown reaches of gala ...
NOTABLE LOCATIONS The following are areas of interest within the Un- known Regions and Wild Space, at or before the rise of the ...
Hutt Space fl mong the oldest civilizations in the galaxy are the Hutts. Controlling a large region of space along the Mid Rim a ...
GRIIMIMER'S HUTT CONNECTIONS Hutts and smugglers, they're just a natural pair- ing, aren't they? Working for the Hutts is lucrat ...
Kwenn Space Station: Kwenn is a large space sta- tion at the current Coreward edge of Hutt Space in the slice, known for the Roy ...
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