Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book
THE FORCE "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to '• the power of the Force." I • ' -Darth Vader B elief in ...
JEDI AND THE DARK SIDE Since before the earliest days of the Old Republic, the Jedi existed in the galaxy. The Jedi studied the ...
The Force in EDGE OF THE EMPIRE A ny character in EDGE OF THE EMPIRE, with the excep- tion of droids and a few other specific sp ...
itQ7 , ivr :[7vr(A^ii^iYvr VT&I-SJVT he Jedi are gone, the vast majority hunted down and destroyed by the Emperor and his mi ...
Universal: Force Sensitive Exile Talent Tree Gain Force Rating 1 Permission granted to print and photocopy this page for persona ...
FORCE TALENTS The Force Sensitive Exile specialization possesses a number of unique talents, referred to as Force talents. Force ...
ONGOING EFFECTS Most of a Force power's effects last for a specific length of time and then end. Some effects last only for the ...
Force Power Tree: Sense Prerequisites: Force Rating 1 + FORCE ABILITY SENSE BASIC POWER The Force user can sense the Force int ...
round, when an attack targets the Force user, he up- grades the difficulty of the pool once. Control Upgrade: The Force user's a ...
Force Power Tree: Influence Prerequisites: Force Rating 1 + FORCE ABILITY INFLUENCE BASIC POWER The character may attempt to g ...
MOVING AND DURATION n s written, the Move power does not have a set duration. This is intentional. During narrative gameplay, th ...
Force Power Tree: Move Prerequisites: Force Rating 1 + FORCE ABILITY MOVE BASIC POWER The Force user can move small objects vi ...
DISTURBANCES IN THE FORCE fl ny form of rapid or violent change in the gal- axy creates a disturbance in the Force. While death ...
TH E GAM E MASTER That's good. You have taken your first step into a larger world." -Obi-Wan Kenobi llelcome to the first step i ...
good encounter design. It provides advice for dealing with players and group dynamics in and out of the game. It gives specific ...
DICE ETIQUETTE AND PROTOCOL nice rolling is central to playing EDCE OF THE EMPIRE. U"The dice used in this game go beyond a simp ...
LEARNING THE GAME Over the first few sessions, focus naturally falls on learning the mechanics of the game system. As the GM and ...
CONTINUING THE STORY ABSENT PLAYERS Absent and no-show players are a common •problem for GMs. Such absences can dis- rupt or de ...
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