Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book
Note Passing: There may be times when a char- acter wants to act on knowledge that no other Player Character has, and he wants ...
WHEN THE PARTY GOES OFF THE RAILS One of the great attractions players have to roleplay- ing games is the freedom to play their ...
THAT STAR WARS FEELING RULES ADJUDICATION fl crucial aspect of running a Star Wars game is making it feel like something seen on ...
a critical juncture. While not every die roll needs exten- sive interpretation, important moments should always be influenced by ...
DICE POOL EVALUATION: SUCCESS hat do the following dice pool results have in common? Pool 1 Pool 3 Each of these dice pools indi ...
DICE PDDL EVALUATION: FAILURE Pool 4 Pool 5 Pool 6 Dice Pool 5-Fear Keeps You In Line: The first 0 shows ft and K} countered b} ...
Extreme environments or circumstances may occasion- ally increase the amount of strain the CM inserts into the encounter. Enviro ...
TABLE 3-1: FEAR GUIDELINES Minimally Afraid Easy(4)) Somewhat overmatched in combat; a minimally dangerous creature; a minor thr ...
TABLE 9-2: SPENDING EXPERIENCE Cost Prerequisites May spend experience to purchase ranks in any skill, up to rank 5 Career skill ...
provisational story changes occur regularly, as the CM makes constant behind-the-scenes adjust- ments in order to keep the plot ...
CREATING AN EDGE OF THE EMPIRE ADVENTURE n dventures are the core of each game session. Creating new adventures can be one of th ...
STOCK NPCS Stock NPCs are the unnamed masses the Player Char- acters encounter, battle, and negotiate with in most game sessions ...
IN MEDIAS RES L atin for "in the middle of things," in medias res is the time-honored technique of start- ing a story in the mid ...
LET THE PLAYERS SHINE G Ms must remember that the Player Char- acters are the stars of the show. No matter how complex or exciti ...
a threat individually, but are more effective in numbers. Individually, their combat abilities should be one or two dice lower t ...
Using Obligation O bligation is a core narrative and game mechanic in EDCE OF THE EMPIRE (See page 38 for more information). Obl ...
TABLE 9-3: GROUP OBLIGATION THRESHOLD GUIDELINES 5-19 No difficulties when contacting high level government and corporate indivi ...
EXAMPLE: CONTINUED compelling options so that the Player Character's deci- sion adds to the drama of the adventure. In turn, the ...
ligation. Sometimes, the characters simply do not have the cash, and the proprietor isn't interested in other options. However, ...
MANAGING MINIMAL OBLIGATION In concept, Obligation never completely goes away, no matter how much a character wants it to do so. ...
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