Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book
PERSONNEL CARRIER Many smaller or poorer fringe worlds can not afford military or law enforcement vehicles with expensive repuls ...
Vehicle Type/Model: Walker/AT-PT. Manufacturer: Rothana Heavy Industries. Sensor Range: Close. Crew: One pilot. Encumbrance Capa ...
STARFIGHTERS AND PATROL BOATS Starfighters and patrol boats are the smallest hyperspace- capable starships found in the galaxy. ...
der management software. The effects of the Stabilizer Conver- sion Kit are already included in the CloakShape's stat block. If ...
JM-5000 JUMPMASTER LONG RANGE SCOUT Corellian Engineering's JumpMaster-class long range scouts are small, one-person vessels des ...
Ship's Complement: One pilot, one co-pilot, one navi- gator, one gunner, one comms operator, one engineer. Encumbrance Capacity: ...
Hull Type/Class: Starfighter/ BTL Y-Wing. Manufacturer: Koensayr Manufacturing. Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 1, Backup: None. Navi ...
GAT-12H SKI PRAY BLAST BOAT Another pre-Clone Wars design, Sienar Fleet Systems' Skipray Blastboat is a heavily armed and armore ...
FREIGHTERS AND TRANSPORTS The life blood of intergalactic commerce, transports and freighters are the ships that carry the agric ...
While Citadels are, on paper, passenger carriers, they are remarkably well armed for their role. Due to their heavy weapons load ...
Hull Type/Class: Transport'GR-75. Manufacturer: Callofree Yards, Inc. Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 4, Backup: Class 1 5. Navicompu ...
Passenger Capacity: 0. Consumables: Three months. Cost/Rarity: 1 50,000 credits/4. Customization Hard Points: 2 Weapons: One Dor ...
Hull Type/Class: Freighter/Wayfarer. Manufacturer: Kuat Systems Engineering. Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 14 Navi ...
YT-2400 LIGHT FREIGHTER Corellian Engineering's YT-2400 class light freighters are an update of the aging, reliable YT-1 300 cla ...
CAPITAL SHIPS This broad category includes immense^B military vessels that bear enormous martiH| might. Capital ships are usuall ...
C apital ships tend to mount heavy turbolasers and ion cannons to combat other large ves- sels. These ships are the only ones la ...
Encumbrance Capacity: 1 75. Passenger Capacity: 80 troops. Consumables: Three months. Cost/Rarity: 3,000.000 credits (R)/5. Cust ...
Starship and Vehicle Modifications Por those special individuals who make their living in Tthe spacelanes, a starship is as much ...
HYDRAULIC CONTROL CIRCUITS Hydraulic control circuits are a throwback to an earlier era of shipbuilding. Instead of using tra- d ...
TABLE 7-16: ATTACHMENTS Attachment Price/Rarity HP Advanced Targeting Array 4.000/4 1 Enhanced Armor x Silhouette/3 2.000 2 Elec ...
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