Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book
COMBAT TURNS Much like personal combat, combat between starships and vehicles in EDCE OF THE EMPIRE is largely an abstract, narr ...
incoming fire, collision, or other calamity. Executing Evasive Maneuvers upgrades the difficulty of the dice pool once for all a ...
Likewise, a skilled mechanic can even repair some of the damage dealt to a vehicle during an ongoing fight, although this is muc ...
in Table 7-4: Silhouette Comparison. This reflects the fact that large ships find it difficult to hit small, fast vessels, and t ...
TABLE 7-5: SPENDING O AND ($ IN STARSHIP AND VEHICLE COMBAT Cost Result Options Add • to the next allied active character's Pilo ...
REDUCE DAMAGE, APPLY TO HULL TRAUMA THRESHOLD, AND APPLY CRITICAL HITS When a ship or vehicle suffers damage, it reduces that d ...
attacker rolls percentile dice on Table 7-9: Critical Hit Result on page 244. The result of the dice roll indicates which Critic ...
PLANETARY SCALE IN SPACE AND ON THE GROUND P lanetary scale range bands can represent longer or shorter distances depending on w ...
Stellar Phenomena or Terrain S pace is full of obstacles, from simple asteroids and fiery comets to strange gravitational anomal ...
THE CHASE T here are some cases in starship or vehicular combat when two or more characters want to enact a chase. In this case, ...
COLLISIONS T here are occasions when vehicles or starships will run into the terrain around them, or into another nearby vehicle ...
(or a smaller ship such as a starfighter or a landspeeder with a player character inside it), the vehicle immedi- ately suffers ...
TABLE 7-9: CRITICAL HIT RESULT dlOO Severity Result 1-9 Easy f» Mechanical Stress: The ship or vehicle suffers one point of syst ...
money, and time—the latter two usually in abundance. Proper facilities have enough tools, light, parts, and workspace to make th ...
Interstellar Travel Respitetne faCL that the advent of the galaxy-shrink- Uing hyperdrive has made travel between stars commonpl ...
FATAL ENCOUNTERS O f all the well documented hazards of trav- eling through hyperspace, none is more feared or more potentially ...
AIRSPEEDER Small civilian airspeeders are commonly used for plea- sure or sport, or transporting cargo and passengers. Civilian ...
INCOM T-47 AIRSPEEDER Incom's T-47 is a powerful, low-altitude airspeeder. This low-profile, wedge-shaped airspeeder seats its t ...
ARATECH 74-Z MILITARY SPEEDER BIKE A militarized version of Aratech's successful 74-Y speed- er bike, the 74-Z is a high-perform ...
X-34 LANDSPEEDER SoroSuub's X-34 is a two-passenger, coupe-styled ci- vilian landspeeder known for its solid reputation for reli ...
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