The Cure for All Cancers
PART TWO: GETTING WELL AGAIN to ban mercury from dental supplies. Not only mercury, but all metal needs to be banned. If your de ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS infected bone. A dry socket (really an infected socket) is a common result. These sockets never fully h ...
PART TWO: GETTING WELL AGAIN dentist will be delighted to answer this question. It puts the dentist into the class of a select f ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS why I emphasize tooth bacteria so much. Lugol’s iodine is easy to make and quite cheap (see Recipes). Y ...
PART TWO: GETTING WELL AGAIN Dr. J: That’s a lot of extractions for some people. Dr. C: Yes. A mouthful of caps or crowns must b ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS but I am watching the dental marketplace in Germany. They are aware of the toxicity problem from plasti ...
PART TWO: GETTING WELL AGAIN Dr. J: Since you are now extracting mercury-filled teeth in- stead of refilling them with plastic, ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Dr. C: All of them, 100%. Evidently, toxic dentalware was a large part of each person’s problem. The pa ...
PART TWO: GETTING WELL AGAIN (five drops on toothbrush), or with white iodine; that saves them from infection. If a tooth does b ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS bigger every time you exchange it for a new ZOE filling or for safe plastic when that becomes available ...
PART TWO: GETTING WELL AGAIN Dr. C: Removing all metal and plastic means removing all root canals, fillings and crowns. Take out ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS have found a dentist able to do it. Find a dentist with experience and knowledge about this subject. It ...
PART TWO: GETTING WELL AGAIN Dr. J: If your dentist tells you that mercury and other met- als will not cause any problems, you w ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS To read your panoramic X-ray, tape it up on a window. First find the angles of your jawbone, noting lef ...
PART TWO: GETTING WELL AGAIN left side and two on the right. The center on the upper side is easier to find; see the arrow. The ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS The second panoramic shows all the root tips. There are no cavitations seen. Notice the round white spo ...
PART TWO: GETTING WELL AGAIN breast, producing growth factors and turning RNA into DNA to spur the tumor there. Dr. J: White are ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS sucking on them have not been studied. Only metal-free plastic is safe. And of course it should not hav ...
PART TWO: GETTING WELL AGAIN [ Dr. C: Teeth themselves come in many styles and sizes that the dentist or lab technician picks fr ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS If your dentist did not use anything but methyl methacrylate powder and monomer and did not use teeth s ...
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