The Cure for All Cancers
PART ONE: THE CAUSE Ascaris infests animals and humans from pole to pole of this planet. It is safe to say that all dogs and cat ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS It takes about three weeks for large parasites like Ascaris and tapeworm larvae to disintegrate complet ...
PART ONE: THE CAUSE ozone to jump across from oil molecules to your fat molecules, aging them too soon. Fortunately, the dose is ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS To summarize: What you'll need for killing ALL your parasites, including tough ones, and mopping up aft ...
PART ONE: THE CAUSE is not currently suspected of causing cancer.^16 I don't know if propyl compounds like propamide, propacetam ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS (^) Although body products give us our highest concentrations, isopropyl alcohol is in our food, too! O ...
PART ONE: THE CAUSE should be removed before the final product is used. But nothing can be removed completely once it is added, ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS (a) Such sanitizing solutions are used, followed by adequate draining, before contact with food. [Note ...
PART ONE: THE CAUSE Why is it so important to get rid of isopropyl alcohol if you have already gotten rid of the intestinal fluk ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS the risk of having your hamburger removed from the grill with the same spatula that just put the next b ...
PART ONE: THE CAUSE Isopropyl Alcohol Polluted Products THROW THESE OUT even if isopropyl alcohol is not listed on the label! s ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Endogenous Isopropyl Alcohol Means Made-In- Your-Body There is another, even more fiendish source of is ...
PART ONE: THE CAUSE Aflatoxin B Whenever isopropyl alcohol is in the liver, I find aflatoxin B, a mold by-product, in the liver ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS sition is compared to that of other masses, in other persons, in other organs, common denominators can ...
PART ONE: THE CAUSE One of the constant companions of tapeworm stages are Streptomyces, fungus-like bacteria. There are hundreds ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Another bacterium harbored by Ascaris is Mycobacterium avium/intracellulare (two species are mixed on m ...
PART ONE: THE CAUSE What Does Copper Do? There is no tumor, benign or malignant that does not have inorganic (toxic) copper, tha ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Aflatoxin causes liver tumors. All cases of jaundice I have seen in liver cancer patients are due to af ...
PART ONE: THE CAUSE tsp. dose is effective) immediately eliminates patulin in the parathyroids. Now the tumors can shrink. But t ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS dish detergent and laundry detergent we now get a steady dose of it as a residue on our dishes and from ...
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