THE TUMOR “home in” to the liver. The attraction of certain metals, like thu- lium, gallium, technetium specifically to cancer s ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS to do their work. So metals cause depletion of some of your most vital compounds. Metal sulfid ...
THE TUMOR chemical called phosphatidylserine; it can be forced to stick out of the cell membrane just like a real flag! In every ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS Decades ago, the common purine in coffee, called caffeine, was seen to easily dissolve PAHs.^3 ...
THE TUMOR Many PAHs are produced naturally in decaying organic matter such as coal tar^37 (from fossil vegetation) or crude oil ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS PAHs Invade DNA Both cholesterol and PAH molecules are thin, flat, and shun water—just like th ...
THE TUMOR The spring-like shape allows the bases to be stacked like the steps of a spiral staircase, at the same time keeping th ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS different animal, causing new tumors^41 —they had developed a life of their own! So they were ...
THE TUMOR selves between the bases of our nucleic acids? Is our body manufacturing its own demise? It is actually not our own do ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS Three mycotoxins which are especially bad for a cancer pa- tient are aflatoxin (on peanuts), p ...
THE TUMOR raises the helper-to-suppresser ratio of our T-cells.^46 Good ger- manium protects our chromosomes from virus invasion ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS How bad is “bad”? Oxidized germanium may be responsible for attacking the spleen somehow and c ...
THE TUMOR causing disappearance of vitamin A-related body chemi- cals. Vitamin A is a growth regulator! Fast Green , also calle ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS Warts, First Cousins To Tumors A wart, too, has an assortment of heavy metals detected by the ...
THE TUMOR I find cancer sufferers are usually not dying of cancer (tumor formation), as such, but of metal and dye toxicity! And ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS and any missing bases replaced correctly before p53 will release its hold. I find p53 mutation ...
THE TUMOR bax, a protein bit from another gene, should be detectable for its share of time, the remaining thirty seconds out of ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS Metal and non-metal toxins are attracted to the sick cells by forces not completely understoo ...
THE TUMOR bcl-2 and bax genes become disregulated so that self- destruction of disabled cells (apoptosis) does not occur quickl ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS Normal Growth Ascaris, tape- worms, malonic acid Normal Cell Disabled mitochondria, damaged ...
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