PAIN KILLING nity: in traumatized joints, in organs with asbestos lodged in them, in ears after infections, in hearts that are p ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS A glance at the list shows that common food bacteria eaten at mealtime can find their way to y ...
PAIN KILLING course, stop eating asbestos and lanthanide metals. You must remove the ferritin coating from your white blood cell ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS days before benzene can be cleared with vitamin B 2 doses (these are part of the 21 Day Progra ...
PAIN KILLING Safer Painkillers Both nonprescription and prescription painkillers are heavily polluted with antiseptic (isopropyl ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS cleanse (see Recipes). Fortunately, this serves extra purposes: it will make your digestion st ...
PAIN KILLING slightly more pain relief each time. As soon as pain is tolerable, rest your body; delay the next liver cleanse unt ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS Finally, if things don’t go exactly as planned, and you must use stronger pain killers, don’t ...
DENTAL WORK There are two purposes for doing the dental clean-up: to clear up Clostridium infection to remove mutagens and carc ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS If you have plastic materials in your dentalware, I find they will seep urethane, maleic acid, ...
DENTAL WORK Perhaps the use of inferior “practical” grade chemicals to make plastics with, or recycled ingredients, causes whole ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS Learning to manufacture pure and safe dentalware should not be difficult for an industry with ...
DENTAL WORK First, obtain a good quality panoramic X-ray of your mouth, in duplicate if possible. A panoramic views the entire m ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS To read your panoramic X-ray, tape it up on a window. First find the angles of your jawbone, n ...
DENTAL WORK The intensity setting on the X-ray machine was not correct for them. Next, look at the lower teeth. The root tips ar ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS The second panoramic, although poor quality, shows a large cavitation at the lower right. One ...
DENTAL WORK Two or three “takes” of each location may still be needed to find your hidden cavitations, “surprise” plastic leftov ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS giving you discomfort. You will need to take out the partial for cleaning much more often than ...
DENTAL WORK The Visit To The Dentist Find an oral surgeon willing to clean up your mouth for you. It is more than “just pulling ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS In addition to the effective hemostasis and the change in the char- acter of the clot, the aut ...
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